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I strip off and step into the shower. I wince as the hot water spills over my cuts and bruises.

I look in the mirror, assessing the damage. My lip is cut, all my stomach is bruised, my breasts are black, and I’ve definitely broken a rib or two.

I try to find it inside of me to hate Finn, for what he’s done, and for what he’s doing. But I can't. I love him too much.  

Sighing, I dress in loose, comfy clothes. I go downstairs and clean up any blood splatters from the floor, only to discover that Finn has left his phone here.

He’s got a few missed calls and messages, so I check them for him. I get into it easily, seeing as the passcode is the date he asked me out.

My eyes widen as I read the messages.

My boyfriend, Finn Harries, is cheating on me.


---Mystery POV---

I moan softly as Finn kisses my neck. “I’ve missed you”, he says between kisses, and I smile.

---Zoe’s POV---

Tears leak over my lashes, and onto my pale cheeks.

Anger, betrayal and hurt course through me. He promised he’d never cheat again!

I fall to the floor, sobbing and shaking. My head hurts, my heart hurts and everywhere else hurts.

For how long I lay there for I’ll never know.

The door opens, and I hear Finn coming in. “Hey Zo- What’s wrong?” he says.

I sit up, and fling his phone at him, hitting him square in the face, making his nose pump blood.

“You said you’d never cheat again! You promised!” I scream, and I slap him hard across the face.

Hurt flashes over his face, then guilt, then pure anger.

“You know fuck all!” he yells back. I just shake my head, tears falling onto the floor.

Before I know what’s coming, Finn has me on the floor, and is hitting me hard. I just wait for him to stop. When he accidently hits the floor instead of me, and stops momentarily to curse, I use the opportunity to run.

It’s raining, and I’ve got no shoes or jacket. I’ve got my purse and phone, thankfully. I run hard, because I know that Finn is following me.

I make it to my brother’s apartment, and knock on the door. He opens it, looking slightly surprised to see me there, but then concern takes over his face when he’s sees my physical state. “Zoe, what the fuck?” he questions. I don’t reply, I just faint, right there and then.




When I wake, I’m on the sofa in Joe’s living room. Said brother walks in right then, and hands me a cup of tea. “Thanks”, I say weakly. 

I try to sit up but a pain shoots across my ribs and I wince. “Easy”, Joe says.

He sits across from me, his face pale with concern. “Zoe…What happened to you?” he asks.

I begin to shake, and panic. Joe holds my hand until I’ve calmed down. “Finn he”, I can’t continue, I’m sobbing too hard. Anger flashes across Joe’s face.

“He did this to you, didn’t he?” he whispers. I shake my head. “It was my fault. I had it coming”, I say, and I brush away the tears, smiling.

“I better get back, he’ll be wondering where I am”, I say as chirpily as I can.

"No Zoe, I'm not letting you-" but I interupt him. "Joe, I'm fine. Just back off ok? I don't need you!" I snap. Hurt flashes across Joe's face, but I can't say I'm sorry.

I let him drive me to the bottom of my road. "Call me if you need anything," he says before driving off. I walk slowly up the road, my heart racing. I steel myself, then step inside.

The house is empty. Finn must be with his new girlfriend.

I go upstairs, shower, dress in fresh clothes, and begin packing. I pack all my clothes, shoes and make-up into one big bag. Then I pack my cameras, cuddly toys (don't judge me) and books into a box. I pack a picture of foetus Zoe and Joe, a picture of Darcy and a picture of all my fans at Vidcon and Playlist. I stuff any other bits and pieces into a small carrier bag, and pad downstairs.

I light the fire in the sitting room, and toss all the pictures of Finn and I, all the cards and presents and the ring he gave me into the fire. I watch them burn, until nothing is left. Then I write a note:


By the time you read this, I'll be gone. I can't stay here anymore. I understand tha you need your freedom, and I always knew that being in a steady relationship was never your thing. I can't believe we lasted this long. Things haven't been perfect for a long time now, and I'm sorry for that. I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to understand, to forgive me.


Two tears drip onto the page, but I wipe them away. I should be happy. I'm free. I take out my phone and dial Joe's number. "Hello?" he says. "Joe it's me. Can you come and pick me up. I'm moving in".




Two hours later, I'm sat in Joe's kitchen, happily sipping a coffee. Well, Joe thinks I'm happy. But I'm not. A cold, hard stone has replaced my heart.

Joe has gone out, to a meeting, so I turn on the TV. Pretty Little Liars is on.

I curl up on the couch, completely relaxed, until someone bangs on the door. I move silently towards the door, and look in the peep hole.

Sure enough, Finn is standing on the doorstep, purple with rage. I have to gnaw on my lip to stop myself from screaming/sobbing.

He pounds against the door again. "Joe? I know you're in there!" he yells. From the apartment across the way, I here, "What in the name of God is going on out there?" Then Finn scarpers.

I slump against the wall, sobbing. I can't stay in London, it's not safe.

I just stay there, looking blankly at the wall. The door opens, and Joe is there. "Zoe? What happened?" he says, kneeling next to me. I begin to sob again. "Finn. Was. Here", I manage to get out, before loosing control completely.

Friend Zoning Alfie Deyes (Zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now