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I work hard over the next few weeks. My dancing improves, my Youtube content is much better and much more consistent, and I lose a lot of weight.

I keep getting dizzy spells, but I suspect it's from working so hard. But that doesn't explain why I lie awake each night.

I keep contact with friends to a minimum, and everytime Joe has Alfie and Caspar over, I vacate to the dance studio.

There is a few unfortunate events when I run into Alfie on the stairs or at the shops, but even then I keep the conversation to a minimum.

Joe hasn't said anything about him and Caspar to me, and I haven't brought it up. He tried to ask me about the whole "ignoring Alfie" thing, but I just brushed it off, saying I was too busy.

But things got worse. People started shipping us. No, more than shipping, freaking OBSESSING over us.

I get tweeted links to fanfics on a regular basis. None of which I read.

If I do a Q & A, and someone asks me something Zalfie related, I ignore it. If I'm questioned on Younow, I ignore it. It's the only thing I can do.

One evening, when I'm sat on Tumblr, doing my best to ignore all the pictures of Zalfie, and the gnawing pain of hunger that is pestering my stomach, Joe comes into my room, and flops on my bed.

"Guess what?" He says excitedly, his eyes shining. "What?" I say impatiently, because I have no time for guessing games.

"We're going to Ibiza next week, for two weeks", he says happily. "Serious?" I say, as excitement bubbles up inside of me. I've always wanted to go there. "Yup. And Caspar and Alfie are coming with us!" Joe tells me.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.




Sure enough, a week later, I'm sat in departures in the airport, with Caspar, Alfie and Joe.

We're all vlogging, as Youtubers do.

We board the plane, and sure enough, I get the seat next to Alfie. Luckily, he's got his Beats on, so we escape having to talk.

When we get to Ibiza, we have to spend another hour in a taxi, in order to get to our hotel.

When we arrive, it takes my breath away. It's legit on the beach, and there's sun beds, swimming pools, pubs, clubs and loads more surrounding it.  

We've got a seperate little apartment at the back of the hotel, but I don't care. I grab my suitcase, run inside, and run in and out of the bedrooms, and settle on the biggest one, with a great view and it's own bathroom.

Dumping my suitcase on my bed, I begin to unpack.

The door opens, and I turn to see Alfie standing awkwardly in the doorway. "Um...Joe and Caspar have bagged the other room, so I guess we have to share", he says.

Oh for fecks sake!




"Caspar! Come on! We've been waiting for ages!" I yell, curling my hair one last time. I'm wearing a pretty purple jumpsuit, a diamond necklace, and some gorgeous sandels.

We've been waiting for him for the past half on hour, and now we're even more hungrier and annoyed.

"Coming!" he says, running down the hall. He trips over one of Alfie's vans and goes flying, landing flat on his face.

He's so god damn clumsy. The rest of us cry with laughter for a good ten minutes, while Caspar recovers. He flings Alfie's shoe at him, and we (finally) leave.

We decide to go to the local pizzaria for dinner.

Our pizza's soon arrive, and they are ENORMOUS.

I pick at a slice, hoping no one will notice.

"Hey Zoe? Will you take a selfie with me?" Alfie asks. I'm in too good of a mood to say no. We take one, and he uploads it to Instagram.

We pay for the food, and weighed down by jet lag, head home. 




After three hours of tossing and turning, I get out of bed, change into a bikini and board shorts, and creep out of the apartment, and down to to the beach.

My feet sink into the cool sand, and I can just here the thump of the music from the night clubs. I dash down to the waters edge and dive in.

The water isn't too cold, which is a plus.

I lay there, floating on my back, and think for a while. 

Alfie's image flashes across my mind, and my heart races. Could I, Zoe Sugg, be falling for Alfie Deyes? I push the thought away. Love is not important right now.

Suddenly, Caspar's head pops up next to me, and I just about die from fright.

"Caspar! Don't fucking do that!" I yell, splashing him. He just laughs at me.

"So? Let me guess. You came out here to think?" He says, floating next to me. "I just needed some peace, y'know?" I sigh, looking up at the stars. Each of them are so pretty, so perfect. Unlike me.

"I know the feels", Caspar sighs.

I'm about to ask him about him and Joe , but he speaks first.

"Alfie really likes you y'know", he whispers. A low blush seeps across my cheek bones, my heart races and I go all tingly.

Alfie fancies me?

"I can tell you like him too", Caspar whispers again. Panic bubbles up inside of me, but I push it down.

"It's...It's complicated", I sigh.

Caspar sighs too.

"When isn't love complicated?" He says with a sad smile, and swims off.

Friend Zoning Alfie Deyes (Zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now