The World Tour

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The days in Ibiza fly by, with constant parties, hangovers and sunburn.

On the second last day, we come up with a CRAZY idea.

We decide that the four of us, after a quick trip home, are going to travel around the world for a year, and organise loads of meetups.

We'll stop in America for a bit, for Playlist and Vidcon.  

Our country plans are:









Costa Rica









It'll be good to get away from it all.

From Finn, from the stress.

We're going to England for two days, then the craziness begins. 

~~~Two Crazy Ass Days Later~~~

Joe chucks my fourth and final suitcase as I give mum and dad one last kiss and hug.

I brush the tears off mum's cheeks, rolling my eyes.

"We'll be back in a year! And we'll skype loads, and send lots of photos, and we'll send you Christmas and birthday presents", I say, fighting off tears myself, when the reality hits me.

One whole year.

No one except Caspar, Alfie and Joe.

Me and three men.

Three men and me.

I let Joe say his goodbyes, then we drive to the airport, to meet Alfie and Caspar.

I send out one last tweet, telling my wonderful fans that we'll be uploading and vlogging as much as we can.

I get a text from Louise:

Good luck chummy, skype soon! X

- Lou, Darcy and Matt.

I smile, and switch my phone off, for the flight.

We meet Alfie and Caspar, and board the plane, full of excitement and nerves.

I stare out the window until my home has completely disappeared, and instead blue skies and fluffy clouds take over.

Alfie squeezes my arm, and smiles at me.

I smile back.

Maybe Alfie isn't so bad?


By the time we've collected our luggage in Delhi airport, I am possitevelly SHATTERED.

When we arrive in our pretty little hotel, I fall straight into bed, and sleep.




When I wake, it's three PM.

Looking across the room, I see the boys are still asleep.

Before you all think that they're perverts, we decided it'd be cheaper and easier if we're all in the same room, seeing as we're only here for three days.

I put on make-up, get changed, grab my camera, and head out.

The pure beauty of the busy city takes my breath away.

I buy about a million things, and have a glass of coke in a arty little resturant.

My phone beeps, but it's just Joe.

I go back to the hotel, and wait for the boys to get ready.

I swear, they take longer than me sometimes.

Once they're ready, we get a tuktuk to a resturant for dinner.


"That was the most terrifying experience ever!" Alfie says as we get out of the tuktuk. Here, there's no such thing as stopping.

"Agreed", I laugh, feeling happier than I have in months.

We go into the resturant, and decide to try some real Indian curry.

It's definetly way better than the English shop bought type.

We gobble it up, seriously tempted to ask for seconds.

I've deicded to blow the bloody diet.

Who's gonna care what shape I am? Nobody's perfect.

We head back to the hotel, all full tummies and smiles.

Friend Zoning Alfie Deyes (Zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now