Ballet And Jaspar

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I leave the ballet studio feeling fresh and new. The ache of hunger in my stomach has vanished, leaving me filled with energy.

I sing in the car on the way home, and hum to myself as I unlock the door. There was another car outside, so I guess Joe has people over.

I stick my head around Joe’s bedroom door, after not finding him anywhere else, and see him lying on top of Caspar.

I back away, mind blown. It had never crossed my mind that Joe was gay. I mean, he’s had a few girlfriends, but not many. I just thought they didn’t find him very attractive.

I’m surprised with Caspar too. I mean, I always thought he was just what everyone thought him as, a slut. I’ve heard a trail of stories about clingy one night stands and girlfriends, so does that mean it’s all a lie?

I decide to just let it slide, and act like nothing happened. I leave them too it, hoping they don’t make too much noise, and pad across the hall, to Alfie’s apartment.

Just as I raise my hand to knock on the door, my phone beeps. Oh God. It’s another tweet from the #getZinnbacktogether trend.

This angers me, that my - oh so loyal fans would demand that I get back together with that arse just for them.

The thought of Him brings back the thought of that horrible PM I got the other night.

I slump against the wall as I panic.

It said:

You think you’ve gotten away, that you’re safe. But you’re not. But expect the unexpected…

It was from an unknown channel. But it was obvious it was from him.

When I’m back to normal, I knock on the door, fixing a smile on my face.

Alfie opens up the door, still in his pyjamas. He blushes slightly when he sees me, but smiles.

"Hey Zoe! Er... do you wanna come in?" he says, moving out of the way. "Sure", I say, stepping into the hallway.

It's identical to ours, except a bit on the messier side, with cameras, tripods and laptops littered everywhere.

Alfie leads me into the living room, where the Scuzz music channel is blaring out Sink Or Swim by Falling In Reverse.

The power in this  music is so much more different then to the music I listen to. "Er, sorry about the pyjamas. I'm very lazy, and I wasn't expecting people around", Alfie says apologetically.

"You're fine", I say awkwardly.

Alfie clears off the battered sofa and gestures for me to sit down. "Water? Tea? Coffee?" he asks, heading into the kitchen. "Um...water please", I request.

I perch on on the edge of the sofa, looking at the TV. That's What You Get by Paramore comes on, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, because it goes completely with my current situation.

Alfie comes back into the living room, hands me the water, and switches off the TV. I watch him sit down, and he looks at me. For almost a second, I feel electricity crackle between us. I jump like I've been scalded. This is not good Zoe! You've known this guy for a week!

Alfie's eyes flit away from mine, his cheeks pink. He nibbles on his lip for a few seconds, then smiles.

"I didn't know you liked rock music?" I say. "It's my guilty pleasure, there's always a song that goes with a certain situation. If you get what I mean", He says thoughtfully, taking a sip from his Monster can.

"Like That's What You Get by Paramore explains mine", I say, trying to make a joke out of it, but my voice wobbles.

Alfie's face flashes with concern, and he reaches out and touches my arm. "Hey's okay now. You're free of him", he whispers.

Next thing I know, tears are dripping down my cheeks.

Alfie wraps his arms around me, and I begin to sob hysterically.

I hate myself for crying over him, and I hate Finn for what he's done. Alfie leans over and holds me close. It feels normal, fimiliar, like it's been done before.

Suddenly, I hate myself for letting Alfie wrap his arms around me, for letting him comfort me. I hate him for being so kind, for so understanding.

I push him off, drag a hand  across my cheeks, and run from the apartment.

I fly into my apartment, run to my bedroom and lock the door. I burst into my ensuite, rip open the cupboard door, take out a razor and cut three jagged lines onto my foot. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out in pain, but it feels good, so good.

The happiness from earlier is long gone. As always.

I turn on the shower, and scrub myself hard. It feels like I'm washing Finn, washing Alfie and all my other worries from my life.

As I dry my hair, I come to the decision that Alfie Deyes isn't to be trusted, that he's bad news.

He had me fooled alright, with his whole new boy-trying-to-help act, but now I can see through it clearly.

For now, I'm going to focus on my dancing, Youtube and losing weight. As a punishment for letting Alfie comfort me, I'm not letting myself eat anything or drink anything (except water) for the rest of the day.

I do my best to distract myself by flicking through my tweets.

Ever since Finn and I split, my followers have gone down. I've long since unfollowed him, so I have no idea what he's been telling them.

My laptop beeps, and I see that it's Louise, skyping me. Excitement bubbles up inside of me. I haven't spoken to Louise since the day everyone came round.

The day I met Alfie.

The day everything went wrong.

I shake my head slightly, as if to clear my head of the thought.

I hit the accept button, and sitting on her desk is my best friend Louise. "Hey Louise!" I beam, smiling. In fact, it's my first real smile all week.

"Hey chummy! What happened between you and Finn. I've been hearing loads of shit on Twitter and Tumblr about how you cheated on him. But surely that's not the case?" Louise questions.

My smile fades, and anger rises inside of me. Finn has telling people that I cheated?!

What a dickbag shit faced lying skanky arse.

Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them away.

Finn has won too much today, way too much.

"No! He cheated in fact!" I practically yell.

Louise's face becomes filled with concern. She knows me the best in the world, even more than Joe or my parents. She can tell something else is wrong, but some things aren't meant to be told.

"Zoe? Did something else happen?" Louise asks gently.

Panic rises up inside of me. This is bad. Very bad.

"No Lou, nothing else happened. Oh wait, Joe's calling me, byeee", I say hurriedly, and cut off the connection.

I feel bad for lying to Louise, but no one can be trusted anymore. It's just me, myself, and I.

I'm liking the Jaspar ^_^

Friend Zoning Alfie Deyes (Zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now