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I slick on one last coat of lipstick, looking in the mirror.

I try to find any trace of the Zoe I knew just over a month ago, but she's gone.

Instead there's a completely different Zoe, staring back at me.

Different make-up, eyes that flash dangerously.

I like this new girl, the free Zoe.

I run a hand through my fringe, grinning, and run out to the hall, where the boys are waiting for me. 





We sing in the cab on our way to the Al Forno, one of the most popular resturants in Dubai.

It's Italian, my favourite.

The night is warm, with a cool breeze.

The resturant is packed, but soon enough they find us a table.

We (obviously) order pizza, and chat while we munch.

The conversation turns towards Youtube, and we tell each other who we'd like to collab with the most.

Caspar says KSIOlajidebt, someone who I secretly dispise, but who he loves.

Joe says BriBryontour, just because he loves his accent.

Alfie says Emma Balckery, just so he can call her a hobbit.

This makes us all laugh, just because of the mental imagine of Alfie next to Emma is so god damn funny.

"What about you Zoe?" Caspar asks, looking at me intently.

I bite my lip a bit, before answering. "I'd actually really like to collab with Danisnotifre, he seems really nice, and he's so good looking!" I say.

Across the table, I  see something flash across Alfie's eyes. Pain. And jealousy.

I shake my head slightly, as if to clear the thought.

As if Alfie would be jealous of Dan!

We aren't even together.

I remember at sitC they were messing about like old mates.

That gives Alfie no reason to be jealous.

An awkward silence settles around the table. "How about some dessert?!" Caspar says brightly, hailing a waiter.

We have yummy chocolate tiramisu, which brightens the mood a little.

The rest of the evening consists of small talk, and flirty glances exchanged between Caspar and Joe, while I pretend not to notice.

We pay the bill, and head back to the hotel.





After three hours of staring at the ceiling, I pad out onto the balcony.

I jump when I see another figure standing there, hunched over the reiling.

It's Alfie.

I stand there for a bit, before speaking.

"Do you know that Caspar is gay?" I say.

He doesn't jump, or turn around.

"Yeah. And did you know that your brother is gay?" he replies.

"Yup. How did you...find out?" I question, joining him at the reiling.

"I saw them, um, smooching? But they didn't notice  me. You?" he says, staring out into the city, which is still filled with life.

"The same way you did", I whisper.

Alfie sighs suddenly.

"Y'know what sucks the most in the world?" He whispers.

My heart thumps.

I can't fall for him.

I just can't.

"What?" I question, curious.

"When the girl you're mad about barely knows you exist", he whispers, and pain flashes across his eyes.

My heart stops.

It's true then.

Alfie Sydney Deyes is crushing on me.

"Maybe she does", I whisper.

Alfie laughs, but there's no warmth in it.

"That's a lie", he replies, and chills run down my spine.

"No it isn't", I say, and without thinking, I lean up, and press his lips to mine.

Sparks fly, time stops. Then I pull away, and walk back to my room, and shut the door tight.

Friend Zoning Alfie Deyes (Zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now