Zalfie Happens, Tears, And Mykonos

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Things are very awkward between Alfie and myself, but we won't tell Joe or Caspar why. One night, when I'm sat out on the balcony, swigging out of a wine bottle because I'm feeling low, Alfie joins me. "Mind if I take a sip?" He says. I don't even look at him. "Go ahead", I say blankly, holding up the bottle. He takes it, and swigs out of it for a long time. Wiping his mouth, he flops down next to me. "Why are you out here anyway?" He asks me. I sigh. "I needed to think over things", I reply, looking out into the bright city. Tomorrow we will leave Dubai, and head to Mykonos, my favourite place in the world. Seven days of sun, sea, and beauty. "I know the feels", Alfie sighs, taking another sip out of the bottle. "Are you ever going to give that back", I ask, swiping it off him. We sit in silence for a while. "Zoe... Why did you kiss me?" Alfie whispers. I jump like I've been scalded, and my face goes crimson. My heart begins to race. I bite on my lip, before answering. "Because I like you Alfie", I whisper, and look him in the eye. He looks at me too, and then leans down and kisses me.




I guess after that, we were a couple. We agreed not to publicise it until after we got back from Mykonos. 

One night, after a Younow, Caspar and Joe call us into the little living area in the pretty apartment in Mykonos. We sit across from them, and I notice how their hands are clasped together. Alfie shoots me a look. Are they coming out? Caspar clears his throat, before speaking. "So, Joe and I have something to tell you guys", Caspar says, looking at the floor. Joe shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "The thing is...We're together", Joe blurts out quickly, and looks at us for a reaction. I look at Alfie, and we both start laughing our heads off. The other two looks at us as if we've suddenly grown to heads. When I find the strength to speak, I say, "We've known for ages! Do you think we're blind? Or stupid?" The boys laugh, and look very relieved. Alfie reaches across and takes hold of my hand. My heart beats so very fast. God, I love this boy. Caspar and Joes' eyes nearly fall out of their hands. "Well... We're together too. As a matter of fact", Alfie says casually. What happens next is something I did not expect. They both give a victory screech, and jump up and down excitedly. I laugh, gosh they're kids at heart.




Those days in Mykonos were the best days of my life. But, if you haven't realised already, happiness never lasts long for me. On the last night, my phone beeps. It's a text from Matt, Lou's husband. It says:

Can we skype? -M

Worry fills me up. Matt never skype's me, unless it's an emergency.


I hit send, before turning on my laptop. Soon enough, Matt's icon appears on the screen, and I press "accept". Matt appears on the screen, a smile plastered onto his face. The house is quiet, and dark, which is unusual for them. "Is everything okay?" I ask.  Suddenly, Matt's smile disappears, and tears begin to spill out of his eyes. I just about die with panic. "Matt? What is it?" I exclaim. After a few seconds, he speaks. "It's-It's Louise. She-she's dead".


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