With him

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That Monday at school I decided to skip my first period and draw Laurence a picture and color it a bit. Yes I guess you could say I like Laurence but I never would of guessed he would like me back. As the second bell rings for us to go to our next class I realize I'm with Ivy and her friends. This is the only class I don't have with Laurence and I think Ivy is mad at me because I don't talk to her.

"Well well well (Y/n) you little lire you are not the Ro'meave sister i thought you where," Ivy says as I sit in my desk. "Nothing at all your not even really related to them are you, Ro'meave is not even your real last name is it?" She says pulling at my hair. "You are adopted always in and out of homes never really had a family till Laurence saved you till he told them that you would just give up hope and kill yourself... Is that right?"

"Ivy leave me alone I have some work I need to finish," I say pushing her hand off of me. "If your wired about me falling for my brother im-"

"But the thing is he's not your brother non of them are you just want them to be. You may look like you could be there sister but your not your nothing but a fake and I want to have the hole school know who you really are, (Y/n) (L/n)," she wispers my real last name and I snap.

"I am not that person I was never a (L/n)! I forgot my parents and the things they did to me!"I say grabbing my things and run out the class crying. 'I'm not (Y/n) (L/n) and I never will be her again!' I say in my head over and over again till I bump into some one.

"Oh hi (Y/n)," it was Laurence and he helps me up but I hide my face. "Are you okay?" He says wiping away a tear.

I sake my head no but I sayed "I'm fine really," I say and keep crying. He hugs me and I cry into his shoulder. "Okay you caught me I'm mad and just I-i want to hurt Ivy she just got under my skin saying thing I was holding no one would know just you and I don't know how she found out about it..."

"Your past?" He sayed looking at me. "Tell you what lets just not go to our next classes and we can go some where and get some food or something," he says lightly grabbing my hand. "Come on let's get some ice cream, he says as we leave the halls and leave the school.

~Time skip to the park~

Laurence took me to the park and we got ice cream from a vender. We walked along then sat bye the little pond like last weekend.

"Thanks Laurence I really needed this," I say laying back on a tree.

"Well I always hate seeing you upset," he says laying back with me. "I always have fun hanging out with you," he says blushing a little. "Come to think of it when I left with Cadenza that day you never told me goodbye that day why is that?"

"I was upset that you where leaving me and the others it was tuff seeing my best friend leave me I was alone but you promised me that you would help me find a family when I gave up hope till last year." I say looking at him. "I was giving up on everything when I got to the orphanage but you helped me find who I really was,"

"Well I made you a promise I just had to make shere the Ro'Meaves where a good family," he says and lightly lightly tic he's my face. "I never wanted to let you go and well like I sayed befor I like you a lot." He says then kisses me but the kiss was cut short when we here Zane.

"Wow (Y/n) I knew you couldn't keep your hands off of him," he says and I hide my face. "What's wrong you look flustered?" He says laughing.

"What are you doing here Zane your sophist to be at school," I say pulling away from Laurence who just sat there.

"I was at school but mom knows I leave early at lunch. My question to you is what are you doing with Laurence?"

"I took her out because she was upset because of your friend Ivy," Laurence says getting up.

"Ivy haha she's not my friend she is just some one who likes Garroth and has me around be cause I'll tell her thing about him. Now come on (Y/n) lets get home I bet mom will be happy about hearing this..." Zane says grabbing me and pulling me away from Laurence but stopped when I got out of his grip.

"ZANE RO'MEAVE STOP!" I shout and run away from both Zane and Laurence running to the forest.

~Laurence Pov~

When Zane showed up he runed everything! I was going to ask (Y/n) to be my girl friend! I want her by my side Garroth can have Aphmau, yes Aphmau is pretty but I don't want her I just enjoy tezing Garroth.

"Zane what the hell man!" I shout and push him. "Serosly I like your family but you just your the problem why do you ruin everything!" I say running after (Y/n). I knew where she was going because it was a place where we use to hang out the old club house...

~that's it for now I hope you all enjoy this chapter

~stay happy not crappy stay in school don't do drugs and I love you

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