The baddle (Pt2)

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Again (F/n)= Fathers name 

~third person~

As you and Laurence rode the back of Miles to reach the school you herd screening and sirens racing.

"Laurence he's there," you say and Miles hurries up. You reach the school in no time.
"Stay in the tiger form," I tell him and miles nods.

"Ready?" Laurence asked and I nodded. We race up to the nearest cop we see. "Sir can you tell us what's happning?" Laurence asked.

"I can't tell you all I want to know is if you can stop him," the cop said veary calm, we both nod. "Well a man as takin the school and is searching for his daughter and her friends. The man is powerful and we can't stop him he put up a barter to keep us out. Lady Hiera is not there to stop him."

Just then everyone else arrived. "I can brake the barrer the man in there is someone I thought I could trust," you say and call everyone attention. "Alright the man in there was my farther. He wants me no one else. I can break the barrer and we all can gat in, rescue everyone! And leave me to deal with the old man..." Laurence looked at you with concern like what you said might mean you won't make it out alive.

You hop off the top of the car and walk up to the steps where the barrer was. "Week spot found," you say quietly and rase your hands. Muttering some words you feel the magic flow through you.

"The wall is down!" Someone said and I rushed in not waiting for Laurence or anyone, miles thow changed back to keep up with me.

Everyone enters the school. " I'm going alone no one try to stop me," you say and felt an arm tug on you. It was Laurence.

"I'm going with you," he said.

"No yo-" he cut you off with a soft kiss.

"Was I asking for premtion?" He smelled and him Miles and you went off, telling everyone to get everyone out and far away.

~your Pov~

You Laurence and Miles where running through the halls, then a figure appeared.

"My my, look at what we have her," a flemiler voice said. "My lovely (Y/n) and her boyfriend how nice of you two to show yourself," he said taking a step forward.

"Nock it off (D/n) I'm not going to run or back down this time," I say taking my stance Laurence does the same and so does Miles. "I've gottan stronger."

"I can see that, but the sad thing is you just got your powers back today? How sad, I have had mine for a week now and I still know that I'm doing! You probably don't even know a simple spell," he said with an evil laugh.

"Laurence, don't do anything yet I'll tell you," I whisper to him and he nods. "Miles," I call and he comes to my side as a tiger. "Let's do this," I say and we rush after my farther leaving Laurence behind.

My farther dissaperd leaving his henchmen behind. "Laurence!" I shout and he comes to my side. We stand side by side. "What ever happens just know I love you Laurence," I say and my farther's voice echos.

"How sweet, you truly think he loves you,"

"I do love her! More then life itself!"

"Oh so your saying you would die for her? I can arrange that," he said and appeared with fire Demond's by his side. "See the great thing about my power is that fire is my greatest element, the even greater thing is that I can creat it out of thin air," He says and points to us so that the demond's run after us. 

"(Y/N)!" Laurence shouted and slised them in half. "You will not lay a hand on her, not you or any of your cretures," He said rage filled him. 

"How sweet boy! You truly think you can stop me but guess what your power is your weekness, The love you have for her is the weekness you have." He said and laurence was lifted into the air. "Funny how I can just kill you right now,"

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