The park

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~Your Pov~

The first few weeks of school was good, Ivy keeps trying to talk to me and try to come over but all she wants is Garroth, other then Ivy school is good I'm glad to be in the same classes as Laurence and Garroth for most of them. Garroth, Zane and Vlad think I have a crush on Laurence but I don't I mean he is the one person in the orphanage who was cool and I liked that but he flirts with almost every girl because they all fall for him and no I'm not jealous like you would think.

"(Y/n) how are things at school? Are you getting along with everyone?" Zianna says walking into my room as I sat at my desk playing music through my computer. 

"It was great though I have not made many friends I mostly talk to Garroth Vlad Zane and Laurence," I said pausing my music. "But I'm surprised you did not ask after the first day Zianna why to wait a few weeks?"

"Oh I do this all the time to the boys and you know you don't have to call Zianna I'm your mom," she says but I cut her off before she says anything else.

"No, you are not my mom you are my adopted mom who saved me from being pushed out on the streets. I am great full but Zianna I have been avoided my whole life once I do something stupid then you might give me back." I say then I see her tear up. "I don't mean anything bad but I have to get conformable with you guys and living up to the Ro'meave name,"

"It's a lot to take in yes but know that if you ever feel lost then come talk to me," she says hugging me then leaves my room.

I keeper reading my manga, fairy tail! I love it so much but Natsu is my favorite probably because I can relate but I was not razed by a dragon. Just then I get a text from Laurence.

~text starts~ Y=you L=Laurence

L-hey what's up?
Y-the sky🙄
L-haha very funny. But seriously how was school today?
Y-it was good how was yours?
L-it could have been better...
Y-what happened
L-I just wish I was with you right now...🙁
Y-okay stop it your just joking you don't like me like that
L-you don't know that😏
Y-you just ugh!!! Laurence stops it!!
L-stop what you're the cute one😊
Y-you texted me to ask something that was it now what is it
L-Ohh strait to the point, I love it. I was going to ask what you are doing tomorrow? Because I was going to go to the park with a few friends and wanted to know if you and Garroth wanted to come?
Y-why not ask Garroth if he is going?
L-he has not answered me back yet so can you?
Y-ya Zianna trust me enough I just wish Garoth would be the same... anyway what time?
L-around 11 ish I'll see you then beautiful
Y-okay I'm blushing happily I'll see you tomorrow
L-ya I know but you won't bye 
~end text~

Okay he may like me but still, I don't like him and who is this other friend maybe I have met them before. "Garroth comes in here please," I shout frantic as he ran from his room to mine, they were right next door to one another, he broke down my door. 

"What's up (Y/n)?" He said as I ignored my door.

"Did Laurence text you yet? About the park?"

"Ya, he did do you want to go?" He asks me and I nod my head yes. "Okay well I'll let mom and dad know oh and moms taking us out to eat for 'surviving the first few weeks of school' it's something she does every year so don't worry about it it's nothing fancy just Chinese." He says sitting next to me. "You look like a tomato what did Laurence tell you?"

"Nothing just called me cute and that's it he always does it to me but I don't think he likes me because he does it to every girl in school," I say trying to hide my face.

"Ya okay then," Garroth says and before he leaves he reminds me to get ready because we were going to leave soon.

~The next day~

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