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As Laurence, my 3 brothers and I walk up to school I got a little nervous but I knew everything would be okay, hopefully. The first thing I had to do was head to the principal office, then to my locker then to classes. Mom was with me but that was it cause dad had to talk with the capital about my real father and about what happened.

As we walk through the halls I hear whispering I hear people talking about me and how strange I am and how I saved everyone. It's strange cause some people even walk up to me and ask for pictures, even my signature. It was like I was famous and I did not like the attention, sure some people did but I don't.

"(Y/n), it's okay there just amazed that your back and doing okay," Laurence told me and gently grabbed my hand. I felt better knowing he was by my side that he was with me and that he decided to stay with me after so long. I know it's just the end of school and they said I could go up a great sense I was behind because of the coma but the bad thing is I can't use my magic during school unless in magic 101. "(Y/n)!" I hear someone shout and I turn around to see a random girl I never met before. 

"Yes?" I ask her and she smiles at me. 

"I just want to thank you! You are such a hero!" She says handing me some flowers and everyone claps, chanting my name. I know im only 16 teen but I like the attention but some people don't. Ivy and her girls were in the crowd and they push through standing in front of me and taking the flowers. 

"Aw how cute," She says and hands them back to me. "I guess I should thank you for saving me but just remember," She says and sticks out her hand for me to shake and I take it. "Rember we are still not friends," she says and walks off again. 

"That was something different," I say, turn to my brothers and my boy. "Come on its the last day of school! Let's see what they'll let me get away with," I say and run down the halls throwing papers in the air. 

Honestly, I feel a weight off my shoulders! I feel finally free! All my life I had to hide who I hid it from my foster parents hid it from Laurence, from my friends, from the world. Now though that im a hero I have a lot to live up to. But hey I'm 16 years old and so far my life is perfect, I love everything that is going on. "COME ON GUYS SCHOOLS OUT!" I shout at the boys and they run to catch up. 

~5 years later~ Your Pov~

"(Y/n) are you coming?" I hear my mom say as she wakes me up. When I graduated I got a scholarship to the magic school. My powers have gotten stronger and I can do about as much as Lucinda. 21 years old and still dating the boy, I mean man, of my dreams. Yes, I still live at home but that's only cause I don't want to be alone. Laurence is out of town and yes we live together but I do miss him. Today is the day he comes home but his flight is at 6 am, it is now 5:30 and I really don't want to get him but he asked me too. Mom is coming as well but that's only to drive cause im still tyred. 

As we finally get there we park and walk in to where his gate is. As he walks out I nearly go tackle him cause he was gone for three months. "LAURENCE!" I shout and he comes running at me and I run to him. As he puts down his bags and catches me I smile and give him a kiss. "Hey (Y/n)," He says and lets me go placing me on the ground. "I know we have been through so much and I want to ask you something..." He says and gets down on one knee, tears feel my eyes. 

"Laurence," I say and cover my mouth with my hand. 

"I know you were never one for dresses and always wanted to keep everything happy but I'm gonna ask knowing what we have been through and all the things we have done together along with our baby on the way I have a question. Will you (Y/n) Ro'meave marry me?" He asks and I hear my mom scream along with Kawaii~Chan? Wonder how she got here. 

"Yes! With everything I am YES!" I say and he smiles, I melt as he puts the ring on me and kisses me again. 

After we got home and told everyone out the plan's on our marriage they too were excited for us. After everything I have been through, after fighting my dad and fighting my demons I live. I live in a time where I know I'll be happy. I love everything about Laurence, I love my friends. I'm glad my life is something I could share with them. I don't think I could do this with out them. 

And now I say to everyone who is reading this I am successful. A witch with power unlike her father before her. I marry the man I love and my brothers are still crazy, my friends are amazing and are proved to me. don't be surprised if one day my story get publesed. Don't be surprised if it's now. 

~LOL love what I did there? I made it seem like, well idk what I made it seem like but it sounds cool! I want to say I'm EXTREMELY SORRY about not updating sooner but I had a lot of things going on and I really wanted to make the ending good! so I hope you enjoyed your story. I am glad you all read it. This is Skyler the author wishing you a happy day!

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