The Dream

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~Laurences pov~ This part will be in the dream~

I awoke on a bed of grass. Wondering where I was and who brought me here. The last thing I remember was laying by (Y/n) and hopefully, wake up from whatever she was in.

"Hello?" I call out and spin around. "Is anyone out there?!" I ask again and still no answer.

I start to walk around the strange world. After a while, I hear a branch snap and a figure run by.

"Hey wait!" I shout and start to run after the stranger. "Please stop I need help can you tell me where I am?" I shout grabbing the persons' arm and when I see there face in shocked.

"Laurence!" She shouts. It was (Y/n) she's here running probably trying to figure out where we are too. "What are you doing here? Oh wait," she stopped and looked at me. "Laurence its so great to see you!" She says raping her arms around me.

"(Y/n)," I say hugging her back. "What is happening? Why am I here?" I ask letting her go and then a loud thunder crash happens.

"It's not safe out here, come to my cabin is not far from here," She says and drags me behind her till we reach a small cabin out in a field. "Well come on it's not like you haven't been here before,"

"But I haven't... This is all just a dream right?" I ask her as another crash happens.

"No, it's not a dream we always came here to escape the orphanage. Rember?" She asks and opens the door. "I'll explain everything just come in," she says and holds the door for me, once it in she quickly shuts it and locks it. "Laurence what I'm about to tell you is that my body is rejecting my magic. That is why the crystal formed around me, to drain it out again. I don't have a problem with it I just think you should know. I'll make it out of this but till then with the little magic I get to keep I can call you when you sleep to this world and ill let you know when I wake."

"That's too much to take in (Y/n) how do you expect me to wait? I mean I can but I don't want to, you mean so much to me that if the magic kills you I don't know what I'll do," I say looking down. "I don't even know if this is real or fake? If I'm just dreaming or if you really brought me here,"

"If it's a dream then anything you want to happen next will," she says. "Close your eyes and think of something you want to happen if it doesn't then it's not a dream if it does then it is," she says and I close my wishing that it was snowing inside the house.

"Once you have the thing open your eyes and see if it came true." She said and I did. When I opened my eyes the room was as I left it. Sun shining and (Y/n) standing ex actually where she was last. "See nothing happened everything is as it is, Laurence trust me,"

"(Y/n)!" I cried and hugged her. "My love I'm so glad you're okay! Please what happen why to let your guard down?" I ask looking in her eyes. 

"I just- when I saw you in the sand and then everyone else came I turned to face them and that's when I lost it, but I'm alive at least! I will get better, and if you don't want to wait for me then I understand..." She says her smile quickly fading. "You probably want someone who's not broken. I understand but just know I do love you no matter what happens," 

"No no no no! I'll never leave you! You're the love of my life and well next year we can still be together, I want to be with you forever. I don't ever want to lose you (Y/n) if I did I would die..." I say holding her our foreheads touching. "Please stay with me," I say and I feel her smile. "Its just us against the world," I tell her and we lay down on her bed. 

"Laurence I love you," she says cuddling next to me. "I'll be out of this crystal soon, just keep hope and tell everone im fine... Ill see you again soon," I say and we both sleep... Taking me back to the real world...

~THERE YOU ALL ARE! I FINALLY GOT IT DONE! and yes i know its kindove short but thats okay atleast you will come back! 
Laurence~ Why make the chapter into a dream? I mean was it a dream?
Skyler~Laurence! Really I cant bleave you would even say that? I atleast am bringing (Y/n) back for you!
Laurence~Okay well I am happy that your doing that, your the best Skyler
Skyler~8D Thanks!
Aphmau~ UGGGG! THAT FACE!!!!!!
Skyler~ Aph come on its cute! 8D Its why you fell for Aaron ;)

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