A fight

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~Your pov~

The weeks that came after the dinner where amazing! School project came up alot, Laurence aand I where always partnered up and we where okay with that. It was our free preaiod so we could work on our art project. "So what should we do?" I ask him and pull out some art books. "We could do a sclupter, drawing, 3D art, anything," I pull out my scetch book and open it to the page of my drawing for Laurence. I try to hide it but he takes it away from me.

"Whos this for," He says and I hide my face with my hair. "This is really good (Y/n),"

"Thanks..." I say and still hide my face.

"Who is it of?"

"Us... I was going to give it to you but I chickend out..."

"Why? We are dating now and I love everything about you and about this piture."

"Laurence, its not that good... Besides we cant submit that I made it for you," I say and he puts it in his book.

"Well then I hope we can find some insperation because we can also do photos," he says and pulls me close. "Maby we could go to the carnival and get some amazing pictures?"

"Are you asking me on a date Laurence?" I ask and look up at him blushing.

"Maby I mean you could tell Zianna its homework but its also a date, I mean whats the harm in that we have alredy dated for about a month now,"

"Fine ill ask her today after school and we can head over,"

"Great Ill pick you up at 5," He says and grabs his books. "Its the last class, can you handel Ivy and her friends?" HE asks and helps me with my books.

"Ya and if they bother me the teacher knows that I can leave,"

"And if you leave im out on the field if you need me," He says and kisses me. "See you soon lovely," He sayed and headed out off to class.  I put up my art books and head off to math. As I walk the halls alot of people stare at me and wisper thing.

"Thats her (Farthers name) kid," one kid sayed. "I heard hes a worlock, and now she doesent trust witches or warlocks," another kid sayed. "LOOK OUT EVERYONE SHE WILL KILL YOU WITH ONE LOOK!" a kid shouted as I enter my class.

"Um Mr. Teacher sir can I just have my work and leave..." I say and then the wispers start again.

"She left her mom and baby brother to die, Because she was working with him," that one was loud enouf for me to here and I just lost it.

"WHY DONT YOU SHUT UP!" I shout as tears fill my eyes. "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPEND THAT DAY! NO ONE DOES BESIDES THE COPS AND HIM!" I shout and relised who sayed it.

"Wow dont look at her everyone she could kill us with one look," Ivy shouts and everyone looks away.

"Ivy why do you enjoy making people miserable? Do you not have anything better to do with your life? Oh wait you dont have a life," I say and some students go 'ooooooooohhhh!'

"At least I would save my family," she sayed and gave me a dirty look. "Face it (Y/n) (L/n) you only made it out because you did not bother saving your family,"

"I stood up to that man everyday I have scars to prove it and if you think a day goes bye that I dont miss my mom and baby brother then your wrong. You see Ivy I actually have a heart unlike you!" I shout and leave the class. As I run out of the school I run into Aphmau, I help her up and she helps me with my things. "I-Im sorry Aphmau," I say sobbing.

"Hey you okay?" She asked me and I shake my head no. "Was It Ivy?" I sake my head yes.

"She somehow reveled my past to the entire school! I wish I was dead not here I dont deserve it!" I shout and Aphmau hugs me.

"Its not your fult what happend that day... You fought hard agenst him but in the end we always fail... Its just apart of being human," She syaed and handed me my art book. "I think if you are having these problems then you shuld talk to Zianna she would understand."

"Ya but Ivy is Garroths friend and she likes her... The worse part is Ivy is sopost to come over to my house today..." I say.

"What for?" She asks and I explain how she talked to Zianna and how I was going to help her with her math and how its just a way she could get closer to Garroth.

"The worce part is Laurence is taking me on a date and so I wont be home plus its a homework date nothing special," I say and see Garroth come up. "Anyway I have to go thanks Aphmau," I say and try to run off but Garroth stops me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I see Laurence as well. "Why would Ivy do that she is such a sweet girl..."

"Garroth no offence but your kindove blind to Ivy she plays a nice girl act around you but she is nothing but evil," I say and Laurence hugs me.

"We dont have to go today if you dont want to," He wispers and I smile.

"I want to go you take my mind off things..." I say and he smiles.

"Well Aph me and you should head to class, come on" Garroth sayed and they both walked off. Laurence stayed hugging me till I stooped crying.

"Why would she hurt you, what is her problem?" He says and I look up at him. We here someone come down the hall and he still holds me but I saw who it was.

"Wow you run to your boyfriend for conferet but you forgot something in the class," She says and holds up my photo of me my brother and our mom. "Such a shame they had to go the way they did but I guess its for the better that there gone, MUHAhHAHAHA!" she laughts and I was about to run after her when Laurence stoped me. "Oh come on Laurence, let her at me besides shes not strong enoff to handle me,"

"Laurence Record this," I say and he pulls out his phone and lets me go. "Ivy give me back that picture it means alot to me," I say and try to grab it.

"Oh come on this old thing its trash just like you... You should be dead with the rest of your family," She says and gives me an evil smile.

"Ivy. Stop. Now." I say trying not to louse it. "I dont want to hurt you," I say and she kicks me and hits my eye.

"Oh come on! You wont let it go! Just set free the witch I know you are!" She shouts and I get up holding my chest from the air being knocked out.

"Im not like that Ivy and you dont get that.. why, why do you want me to set free my witch? Maby because you have a dark heart a dark past...?" I say and move close to her. "You treat people like you do because something bad happened in your past?"

"My life is perfect it always has been! Unlike yours! All you ever do is cry to your boyfriend!" She says and kicks me again knocking me back down but I quickl get up. Sence Laurence was recording it was only self defense. I punch Ivy in the gut and grab my photo.

"Don't ever talk to me like you know what I've been through... You won't ever understand..." I say and walk back to see a cloud had gathered. Everyone was cheering for me. I stood up to Ivy  one of the most feared girls in out school and had won the fight with out usuing my magic... thank Irene.

"What is going on here!" Ms. Hyria sayed causeing the croud to dispers. 

"Ms. Hyria! (Y/n) Punched me for no reason!" Ivy sayed fake crying. 

"Thats not true, Laurence recorded the hole thing Ivy and I only did it in self deffence," I say and Laurence replays the video for her. 

"Well Ivy looks like you got yourself in alot of trubal comming after her, Come with me Ivy your going to explain this to Principal Chad," Ms. Hyria sayed taking Ivy away. 

"Are  you okay lovely?" Laurence sayed moving my hair out of my face.

"Im fine," I say and we both here the last bell ring for us to head home. 

"Come on lovely Ill walk you home and help you explain to Zianna," He sayed grabing my stuff and walking down the halls hering wispers on how I bet Ivy and how I was the captain of the soccer teams girlfriend, and this time I liked it.

~Im back and working on a new chapter!! BUT on the 8th Im leaving sadly....

Till next time my lost kids <3

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