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~Laurence pov~

I woke up and saw the crystal around (Y/n) was smaller, I was happy with the dream I had. When I woke Garroth was walking in the room. "Morning," he said handing me some coffee.

"Morning," I said and took a sip. "So have you heard anything?"

"About (Y/n) no they said the crystal was sucking all her powers out and they can't break it at the risk of it hurting her,"

"Funny that's what (Y/n) told me last night in my dream," I laugh and then realise she said it was real, but ill keep that to myself. "Anyways what are you going to do today?" 

"I was going to go help repair the school, do you want to come?" He asked.

"I don't know I want to go but I want to be with (Y/n), many ill takes Miles out for a walk at the park but I don't know yet," 

"Okay but you can't stay in here forever you have to go out and still go to school," He said and got up. "They said schools closed till we fix it up because the damage is minor. So till then you get to stay with my sister,"  He said and left the room.

I sat by the window and saw Miles sleeping under the bed. "Miles," I say and he comes to my side. "Let's go out for a walk today," I said and his face went blank and he looked over to (Y/n). "I know I want to be with her too but we need to stay active," I say and he turns into a dog for the walk. I got my shoes on and walked over to (Y/n). "I love you," I told her and we walked out.

~Time skip to the park~

When we reached the park a lot of people stared at me. Most kids from school others parents who were the story. "Miles stay close," I say and he does so. We just walk around till I found a spot by the river for us to sit by so everyone will leave us alone. 

"Well, well, well, Laurence Zvahl nice to see you here," A voice way to filler said. 

"Gean," I say rolling my eyes. "Is it just you or is everyone with you?" I ask turning around. 

"Everyone," He said and I saw Ivy and her friends too. "We just came to," 

"To what? I'm not in the best place if you can't tell," I said getting up and Miles starts to grow. I tell him no but its keeps growing. "And I don't think Miles likes you," I say and he changes to a tiger.

"Look we don't want to start anything, we just came to ask how (Y/n)'s doing? I mean my brother fought for her, and when she wakes I want to ask why she made him when he could have died."

"Dante fought because he wanted to protect you, once he found out that (D/n) was attacking the school he wanted to protect you, that and he wanted to get a girl," I laugh at the last part. "Also I don't know when (Y/n) will wake, but maybe you all might be nice to her?" 

"We were never mean," Ivy said and Miles grew madder. 

"Right, Ivy you were mean to her and she saved your life when (D/n) attacked you personally. Gean you blacked mailed her to get Aph to join you," 

"Will be nice to her, But we do want to give her flowers so can you take these to her?" Sasha asked handing me Roses. "It would mean a lot to us and we are sorry." She said and miles stopped switching back to a dog. 

"I will," I say and take them. "We should be heading back Miles, thanks, guys ill see you soon,Ziannas" I say and we start walking back to the hospital. It was lunch time and I was Zianna's house. Knowing she was home I stop by. 

I knock and she says come in, I do and see she was lissing to some of (Y/n)'s music. "Oh, hello Laurence, Miles. Its good to see you two here," She says and hhugs me. "Did you boys need somthing?"

"We just came by because we needed to clear our minds," I say and she smiles. 

"Laurence whats the real reason you came?" she asked.

"we where hungry and we were around, so sence everyone is out doing somthing I feel like you would like some company," 

"Always," She sayed and smilled. "oh, Cadenza stoped by and dropped off some close for you, there in Garroths Room, If I were you I would change and probably shower. Miles you can stay by me. Laurence you can fressen up," She says and I nod. I walk up the stars and see (Y/n)'s room. Out of curosity I look around. I found her diary and open it. (OOOHHHHHHH! Laurence!!! I WOULD NOT DO THAT!)

'Day 40 before he comes. I am scared... He's coming and I can't stop him... Mom, you were right I'll never be able to stop him. but I have to try! Laurence will help me and he'll be the savor I never was. When they take my powers back. Laurence, I love you and if I die tomorrow then just know I will never stop loving you even if you move on even if I die I will give my heart to you. 
I know I have a 50/50 chance but if Miles lives than I live. as long as he stays happy I will stay. Laurence these past months we have been together, I love them and just know if theres a voice that comes up in your head dont lission to it. I will see you in your dreams, but there not dreams... I cant explain it now just know tomarrow when we fight I will fight by your side and I will be ingered. This is sopost to happen, I have no way in stoping it. I'll see you soon' 

It ended there. She knew everything was going to happen. Before I could think I look around her room everything showed her pain. showed how hurt she was. The Music she wrote and sang was all her pain. I go through her songs and find the song she showed me 3 days befor we found out about her dad. 

"WHAT!" I shout after the song ends. Zianna and Miles run in the room and I start to cry. "She knew she was going to die, she died for me..." I say playing the song again. 

"Laurence, please relax. (Y/n) is not dead shes in a coma." 

"Zianna shes going to forget! Everything! That's what this song is saying I have to go," I say getting up grabing the Cd, and run out the door, Miles quickly behind. I run to the hospital and go to (Y/n)'s room. 

"Please I know you can here me..." 

~Your pov~ 

I was in the world I saw laurence in and I hurd what he sayed. 

"Please I know you can hear me, That song you showed me im going to play it and I found the message you left for me." He sayed and I hurd the song I wrote, tears feeled my eyes and he sopke again. "Your going to forget me... I dont want that... Your the love of my life (Y/n) and I dont want to luse you. Pleas you have the chose to rember or forget.. Im going to paly this over and over again. When I see you tonight I want you to explain why your making this chose. Ill see you soon," He saied and it was silent again. The only thing I hurd was the wind outside. 

If I do have a chose on if I rember and If I forget I want to rember everyone I love and people who cair for me. I want to forget my dad, all the people who did me wrong. I want to be happy and not feel bad. "I love you laurence and I will never forget you," I say and smile. 

~YES! Done! Okay so I have a quick thing to say. MISTIC MESSANGER IS SUCH A FUN GAME! I blame Aph for getting me addicted to it..... And Nekoett Sume (Thinking I spelt that wrong) Anyways Have a good day I'll try and update soon but school is such a PAIN! 

Till next time my lost kids!  

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