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Astrid angrily stabbed her porridge with her spoon. She sat on the steps the great hall, where she had been sitting for the last three hours. A sign hung on the door, indicating the meeting was private and no one was allowed to enter. Astrid's mother had brought her food since she was obstinate on hearing the outcome.

It wasn't fair, she was honorary substitute hope and heir to the Hooligan tribe. That should have gotten her into that meeting! Right?

The only ones allowed in were Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout from the Hooligan tribe, and Wart, Mwaba, and Savage from the Outcasts. Equal and even representation. So it made sense that she was sequestered outside. But as soon as that door opened, she was going to pry all information she could out of the chief.

The doors opened and the three Outcasts came out, the door shutting behind them. Mwaba and the chief were chatting as Savage went away without a word.

"I dunt dink dey take me seriously." Mwaba stated. "Es it de way I look?"

"I doubt it. It might be your accent though, it can be hard to understand sometimes."

"Well, wat do I do aboot it?"

"You just have to practice your Norse. Try saying this; how many boards would a Mongol hoard, if a Mongol hoard hoarded boards."

"'ow many whores wod a mongrel bored ef ah...mongrel boar bored whores."

Hiccup was silent for a moment until a choking laugh came out. "Yep, you got it."

Astrid approached the two.

"Astrid! You look radiant this morning!"

She ignored him. "How is the meeting? Where's Stoick?"

"Oh, dey are still in meetin'."

"They want to discuss some stuff, so they kicked us out."

Astrid huffed. "Figures, men."

"Since we have some time to spare, do you think I could see the academy?"

Astrid groaned. "Fine! Sure, let's go." She picked up her bowl and stormed back to her house.

"Do yoo dink she es angry?"

"What gave you that idea?" Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Well, de shoutin' and de way she said-..."

"Dear Odin, Mwaba, I was being sarcastic."

"I 'aven't gotten to dat lesson yet."

"I've been teaching you for six months and I never got to sarcasm? It's like a second language to me!"

"I tought dat Swahili was your second language?"

"Oh sweet mother of Thor..."

Out at the ring, Mwaba stayed outside and watched from the top while Wart joined the teen's studying on the inside. The lesson that Fishlegs was giving halted when the leather bound man stepped into the ring.

"Look who showed up!" Said Snotlout to Astrid.

"Can it, maggot face!"

"I thought you were going to try to get in on the treaty meeting?" Asked Fishlegs.

"They wouldn't let me! And besides, I knew you guys were dying to talk to this guy." She pointed at Wart with her thumb.

"I have a name."

"Yeah, after a disgusting skin growth."

Actually, after a involuntary diaphragm spasm. But he wasn't about to correct her.

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