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Axel Hofferson was a man of rigid structure. He loved his daughter deeply, but also saw her potential and raised her to be the best fighter she could be. He didn't hate Hiccup, as most people thought. The man had a respect for the boy's work in the forge. But then when the incident of the Red Death came about, then he decided that Astrid and Hiccup would one day be married. He had been so excited when the boy had come with arms full of weapons and asked, blushing madly, for Astrid's hand in marriage.

But then Astrid had to be difficult and send Hiccup off. Now he was dead. Axel Hofferson was sad. He knew that his darling daughter loved the boy, her behavior during his absence could have said enough. Despite his desire for his daughter to be married one day, he would rather her be a old woman than to marry that...


Oh yes, Wart made his blood boil. Like a few others, he didn't trust the new chief. And he especially didn't like the fact he humiliated Astrid in front of everyone, making her cry.

So it would be reasonable to say the man was livid when the speck of dirt on the white walls of his existence popped over the next morning, an unknown sack on his shoulder.

"Hello, Mr. Hofferson. Is Astrid here?"

"No." The man attempted to slam the door shut, but Hiccup slid his fake foot into the opening. "Well, that's odd. I escorted her home last night, and she told me to meet her to escort her to breakfast. Is she with her dragon?"

Another fishy thing about this man was whatever he had done to Astrid. The day before, right after Wart's announcement, Astrid had come home and ran up to her room. He could hear her sobbing, and it was the most painful thing he had ever faced. Just hearing his beautiful daughter suffering made his heart clench in a tender way. Eventually, she had come out and sat by the fire, wiping her eyes. Her mother asked if there was anything to do to help, he seconded that offer.

Astrid declined them both. "There's nothing that can make me better."

She had bravely stood, evidence of her sorrow all over her face, and announced, "I'm going to talk to Wart." And then left.

Axel Hofferson had sat by the back door and listened. The village was strangely quiet, most likely listening as well. Astrid was heard angrily yelling from up on the hill, but her words were warbled by the distance. Then, she went silent. The couple were quiet for too long, before laughter was heard. Then silence reined once again.

She was gone about three hours, and returned when it was late. She was smiling, tears still fresh in her eyes, but her smile was not any less genuine. When asked how it went, Astrid grinned toothily and said, "I have accepted his proposal."

Unbelievable. His little Astrid, the most stubborn, bullheaded viking on the entire island, had changed her mind on who she was going to marry within just a few hours.

Axel Hofferson glared back at this man, unwilling to answer him. Really, he wanted to deck the chief in the nose, but then there would go the treaty, and he wanted peace just as much as anyone else. He met the boys green eyes, that looked to be smiling. The older man gave up.

"Astrid! The chief is 'ere for ya!" He called up, not too happy about it.

"Which one?" Asked the blonde.

"The one you are...involved with!" He hesitated to say 'engaged' because it wasn't official yet.

She giggled. Giggled. "Be right down!" And she was, opting out of her spiked skirt and other armor for just a simple dress.

Oh gods, she was wearing a dress. Astrid. What sort of black magic was this chief capable of using?

"Oh Astrid!" The mother of the girl interrupted her gallivanting. "Before you go, could you change Pippin? He's been fussin'."

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