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Two twins sat on the back of a Zippleback. The female with her chin in her hand, the male dozing. A few feet below, Fishlegs rested on his beloved Meatlug, as his eyes were trained to the sky. The trio were bored. Bored because another race was pointless, and the winner of the last three was on his tenth victory lap around the island.

"This is such a drag." Moaned Ruffnut.

"No kidding. Astrid's always busy with chief stuff, no one's around to put Snotlout in his place." Added Fishlegs.

Tuffnut woke up with a stretch. "Hel, I'd take Hiccup as company. You know if he wasn't dead and all."

"Yeah, I sure miss him." Said Ruff with a bit of melancholy.

"Although," her brother continued. "It would be really cool if he was like, un-dead. You know? Like, just popped out of the ground, alive again. With maggots in his eyes, and rotting flesh...yeah, that'd be sweet."

Fishlegs looked at him, mortified. "What world do you live in?"

Ruffnut started a new topic. "Let's go see what's going on in town."

"Yeah, anything is better then sitting around here."

So, the three traveled into the village, dragons following behind dutifully. Astrid was coming towards them, Stormfly on her heels.

"Well, now. I was just coming to find you guys! Up for a race?"

"Too late, I've had just about enough of the Snotlout as I can take. He thinks he's all that and a pile of rocks." Tuffnut rolled his eyes.

"I'd compare him to a pile of rocks." Smirked Ruffnut.

Fishlegs looked relieved to see her. "How's Wart?"

"Oh, he's great! He's doing very good, after he came out of his coma, that is."

"What about Savage?" Asked Ruff, "do we get to see a beheading?"

"It seems like the chief is waiting for the crew to return to give a proper trial."

"That's bizarre..." Said Ruff.

"Yeah, why not just gut him like a fish?"

Astrid frowned. "I totally agree with you guys, but the chief apparently sees something that I do not. So, I can only advise him to do the smart thing. I guess we'll have to see what the other Outcast's think. Besides," She shrugged. "It's not really any of our business."

"It should be," said 'Legs. "He's our friend too."

Suddenly, a shadow descended on the group and Hookfang touched down for a landing.

"Good Afternoon, Astrid, you're looking fabulous this morning."

The blonde in mention quirked an eyebrow and raised her hand to fresh her axe.

He smiled sheepishly. "Just stating the obvious." He popped his neck. "Up for a race? I'm three for three."

"I would, but it seems like the others aren't up to it."

"How about just you and me, on foot?"

"Care to make a wager?"

"If I win, you kiss me, on the lips."

"And if I win?"

"You get to give me a firm, swift kick to the nuts."

"Oh, I'm not giving this chance up." She folded her hands and cracked her knuckles.

"Can I get in on that?" A new voice joined the conversation. Everyone turned to see Wart standing by the dragons.

"Hi—Wart! You should be resting!"

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