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Hiccup heard a soft creak. Over the years, he had developed an acute sense of hearing. It was a curse, since more often than not he woke up over something stupid. Though, crazy as it seemed, he could sleep perfectly through his wife's snoring.

Oh Odin, did she snore!

He would admit it was a bit jarring the first night they had spent together. She laid against his chest, and sometime in the middle of the night, hefelt her snore. Still, after five years, the sound was a comfort and he missed it when he had to travel for business matters.

Hiccup focused on his surroundings. First of all, Astrid was still asleep, as she was still snoring. Her fingers were threaded through his hair, pressing against his scalp. Her other hand pressed against his chest, right over his heart, as she hugged him around the shoulders. She was pressed up behind his back, her mouth by his neck. One leg draped over his, forbidding movement. It was like this every morning. No matter how they went to sleep the night before, they always woke up like this.

There was another creak. His eyebrows furrowed. The terrors weren't singing, that meant it was still early morning. He could also hear Toothless's soft crooning in sleep. So the creak wasn't from his wife or his best friend, that meant it had to be...

He felt a pudgy finger poke him right between the eyes. "Daaaddddd...." A voice whispered.

Oh no.

A harder poke and a harsher whisper. "DAADD."

"No Pippin, it's too early. Toothless isn't up yet."

"But you promised!"

"I said, 'tomorrow,' not 'at the crack of dawn.'"

"Oh come on!"

"I know you're excited, but if you want my help, then you don't want me to be cranky. Especially when it comes to dragons." Still in his tired state, he was able to come up with a good argument with a six year old.

In rebuttal, Pippin got up close in his face and burped.

Astrid woke up and rolled over. "That's repulsive. Haddock, get control of your child."

Pippin looked at her sheepishly. "Sorry mom..."

"Ugh." Hiccup replied. "Look, why don't you go to the docks and see if the fishermen have anything for Toothless. After I wake up more, then we can go."

"Okay! You're the best, dad!" And with a smack, he kissed his forehead and romped down the steps.

Astrid rolled back into place, hugging her husband. "Still spoiling him, I see."

"He's a little devil. He knows I can't say no."

"Oh come on Hiccup, your son is excited about training a dragon. His first dragon! That should make you excited!"

"I'm too tired."

"You're always tired."

"Speaking of that," he turned over to face her and gently tucked her hair out of her face. "Are you still feeling really tired?"

"Yeah, but it's still early."

"You know what I meant."

"I'm fine, Hiccup."

"I still say you should go to the healer."

"Oh, stop worrying you ninny." She hit him softly. "You think I'll go down easily?"

"No, but I still worry."

"I know." She kissed his nose.

"I'd just feel better if I knew what it was, since..."

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