Chpter 3 Play time

34 0 6

Shanna:"What why are you laughing?!"
-Aliya, Bianca, Ciara and Tyler laughed-
Jayden:"ummmmm ok-----"

OB:"hey guys wassup?"


OB:"Oh really???" -OB Smirked-

I'm pretty sure Olivia knows I like him I wonder if Jayden has gotten a hint about me liking him. I stare into Olivia's eyes she smirked at me, I gave her a grin.

Toby:"hey Tyler!"

Tyler:"hey wassup?"

Toby:"meh i don't know"

Jayden walked to Toby and Tyler to join the conversation, I walked to Olivia asking why did she smirk at me...

OB:"hahaha've gotta crush don't ya?"


OB:"Is it Jayden?..."

Shanna:"uhhh no!!!!!"

OB:-she smirks- "hahahaha yeh it's is!"

Shanna:"hmph fine it is......just don't tell him!"

OB:"hahaha I won't!"

I walked over to the boys conversation until Ella comes by.

Ella:" hey!"

Aliya:"hey Ella!"

Ella:"hey Aliya how was your holiday?"

Aliya:"it was good!"

-bell rung time to go eat-

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