Note: I skipped this to week three instead of week two cuz well I didn't want to tell you guys about the argument (I don't even want to get into details O-O)
I went out of the car I was the second last to come and it was 12 something...
Shanna:"Hey guys sorry I'm late..."Aliya:"Shanna guess what Jayden said?
Aliya:"he said where is Shanna, I want Shanna!"
Jayden:"NO I DIDNT , SHANNA DONT LISTEN TO THEM!" -he blushes-
I blush back he notices and blushed even more like red tomato...
Aliya:"hah now we have to red tomato's!"Me and Jayden:"SHUT UP!"
Aliya:"Hahahahaha alright I'll stop...for now!"
Shanna:"ok I need to go jump off a--"
I fell and I laughed my head off I almost face planted the ground
Jayden:"ARE YOU OK??!!"Shanna:"heh yeh I'm fine" -I laughed-
Toby:"okay time for lazer tag again this time boys VS girls."
Shanna and Jayden:"NOOOOOOO!"
Just before the game started Jayden Shot me...
Shanna:"HEY!"Jayden:"hahahaha, uh oh...."
I chased him around and shot him
Shanna:" HA that's revenge!!!!"

My Life
RandomSo this is my first story about me and my friends,so this is starting from year 6 Because I forgot what my other years were like XD