Chapter 11 Toby's Birthday (Prt 2)

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Toby:"okay 3....2...1 GO!"

Shanna:"OH SNAP!"

OB:"I've got the health box if you need it guys!"
I went to go and shoot Jayden but then Alex got my health down to zero.
Shanna:"DANGIT!! Ok I need the health box!"

Alex:"your not supposed to hold it and carry it around your meant to have a base!"

OB:"oh yeh right.....I forgot.."
-time skip to eating hotdogs-
We were all quiet well not really but I was....after lunch I didn't really play laser tag because before lunch there was an argument with Toby and Tyler,I was just sitting and watching my fave youtuber Aphmau!

Note: sorry it was short but I hope you enjoyed Bai!

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