Chpter 14 Camp: the break up.....

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It was camp and my silly car wasn't fixed but luckly Olivia was going to pick me up and I was so excited that I woke up at 5 but stayed awake till 6 then woke my parents up to get me ready..

-time skip to when I got to school with Olivia-


Olivia: wow your hyped! -she smiled-

-skipped to a few days later in rec time because I'm so lazy XD-

I was in mah cabin with mah friendzzzz (lol soz, please read that I a weird voice) and just hanging out at rec time aka lunch break and this random boy Jayden sent to tell me....
Random boy: Are you shanna????!!!

Shanna: uhh yeh ummm why??

Random boy: ummm Jayden said to tell you that uhhh.....he's breaking up with uhh you....

Shanna: oh umm uh ok...

Random boy: are you ok???

Shanna:uhh yeh I'm uhh f-fine....I guess....-I ram back to my cabin crying...
I was real depressed about it...

Hey guys sorry this was a short chapter and sorry I haven't been posting much, the reason why is because my mum had a baby her name is Gabriella and I needed to help mum but yeh hope y'all enjoyed Bai!!! 😀

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