Chpter 24 i dont know anymore..

17 1 10

It was the next lunch the 2nd play time I just headed to the oval a bit with Bianca but then she left me...she had to deal with something, I headed to the oval I said to myself.."this is it...I will no longer have any crushes no more..." I sigh I devastation

Shanna: no one cares so I won't bear to speak....after what happened yesterday I...I don't even want to remember anything. Especially when I dated him.

I then saw Hayley

Hayley: Shanna where were you?? Why were you not on messages

Shanna: GAHHH!!!!

I ran away scared...but she caught me.....

Shanna: I'm sorry...i was watching a depressing movie..and I cried for and hour and I forgot.....

Hayley: oh ok, can I play with ya??

Shanna: ya sure I mean I was a loner before

Hayley and I Roleplayed like we were in yandere high....she was yandere~chan, I was Kokona~chan and then we ran into him....

Shanna conscious: great. It's Jayden....yay..-sarcasm-

I was running from Hayley cause she was trying to kill me...


I pretended I didn't see Jayden, I did see Tyler and Toby but I didn't ignore them....

-after break-

Tyler: hey Shanna Jayden told me to tell you this......


Shanna: yeh?? What is it (I really don't wanna hear I already new)

Tyler: Jayden said to stop looking at him and stop liking him.....

New it! I heard this before

Shanna: number 1 I don't, number 2 I don't like him...,

Tyler: oh ok.....

My life gets even more depressing everyday don't it??? Yep....



Hello peeps! My actual life is so depressing and heart breaking well hope y'all enjoyed bye!!!

😭 I'm crying, I have a broken heart....

Nah. I'm to tough to cry 😉

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