Chpter 16 Camp: I've never gotten this dipressed in my life....

11 1 0

I was walking in and out of my friends were worried about me....this boy named Sam walked up to me..
Shanna: huh....

Sam:he still cares!

Shanna: do you know....

Sam:he told me

Shanna: I'm sure he dosen't.....he could've just said "hey Shanna umm is it okay that we uhh break up??" -I start crying-LIKE IN MY FACE AND I WOULDVE SAID OK -ran to my cabin in tears-

As I ran I saw Jayden at his seating area at the back of the cabin he saw me when i looked at him so I quickly ran to my cabin....

Yeh another short chapter because well I'm still tired maybe I'll update this a bit more later...

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