Chpter 2 So Embarrising

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After I sat down at my seat I started talking to myself wich was weird....... O-O

Shanna:"okay I'm sure everything will be o-----"

Tyler:"Hi I'm Tyler!" He says Swaggly.

Shanna:"hi I'm Shanna"

Ciara:"umm hi my name is Ciara,is this spot reserved?"(pronounced Ci-ra)

Shanna and Tyler:"no not at all"


Shanna, Tyler and Ciara:" hi would you like to sit with us???"

Bianca:"yeh sure, I'd love to!"

Jayden:"nope I was here first!!haha!!"


Bianca, Tyler, Ciara and Jayden stared at me awkwardly IT WAS EMBARRASSING!

Shanna:"w-what???? Why are you looking at me weirdly??????"

Jayden:"I don't know their looking at you weirdly"

Bianca whispers to Tyler and Ciara:"she has a crush!" -they laugh-


Jayden:"why a you people laughing??"

Bianca, Ciara and Tyler:"Nothing!!!!!!"

-Bells rings it was time for lunch-

Everyone except me, Jayden, Tyler, Bianca and Ciara go running at the door which makes our teacher mad but our teacher let us go out and everyone had to stay in for 5 mins.

Aliya:" Hey Shanna long time no see" -she smiles-

Shanna:"hey how was your holidays"-I smile with her
(I met Aliya in grade 4)
Aliya:"Wonderful! Huh who are these people????

Shanna:"well this is Bianca this is Ciara this is Tyler and uh........this is Jayden" -I blushed-
-Aliya laughed-

Sorry guys that's all I can post Bai , gotta go to school  😉

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