Chpter 15 Camp: the break up 2

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I ran to my cabin crying thinking maybe he hates me does he?? NO!!! Ugh Shanna stop thinking negative he's not that kinda person to just hate you after a break up, geez my and Tyler is kinda on the same boat because my friend Ciara broke up with Tyler and not friends anymore but with me and Jayden we're friends or are we?? I don't know i anymore....
Shanna: -cries hard in pillow- WHY SOMEONE JUST KILL ME!!!

Bianca:Shanna what's wrong??"

Ciara:Yeh Shanna what's up?? 

Shanna:h-he broke up with me.....

Ciara and Bianca:WHAT HE DID!!!!! Bianca was spazin while Ciara was comforting me

Shanna:anyone have a knife to kill me and I'm serious!!

Bianca: Shanna you have a great life....

OB knocked at the door i come and open it

OB: I heard what happen, Shanna everything is gonna be ok I'm gonna go to his cabin and ask why!!!

Shanna: o-ok......
OB then walked to his cabin and Bianca was following.....

Hey guys ItzObvious  wanted me to post more so yeh but sorry that it's short

My LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon