Chpter 26 Incident (prt 2)

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Shanna: uhhhh if it's numb why dose it hurt???!!!!

I walk over to the lounge room where mum, dad, untie gena and uncle matt

Shanna: mum, dad my nose is uhh...bleeding???

My mum freaked out....


Dad: I could just be a blood nose

I wish it was....but it's numb...

Shanna: dad why is my nose numb...

Dad: let me see......oh you grazed it..

Shanna: WHAT!!!!!!

Uncle matt: Let me see....hmm it is to..

My mum went out of the room freaking out...jade and David was scared for me...Alana new I was gonna be ok even though she was three years younger...untie gena came over

Dad: ok I'm gonna give you a tissue to stop the bleeding ok....

Shanna: -I nod-

Dad: let me go get the betadine...

My dad came back with the betadine and uncle matt put the betadine on my nose and then covered the wound up with a band-aid and I went to go look in the mirror

Shanna's mind: I look stupid....

Alana: hey are you ok??

Shanna: hmm?? Yeh I'm fine -I smiled-

Jade: you sure??

Shanna: yeh I am...

-skipped after everyone left-

I was in my room on my iPad playing and a lot of thoughts has been going through my mind...

Shanna's mind: I wonder if I'll get....teased....I hope I won't but I know the person who would likely tease me.....he's done it to me after....uhh...somethings...-sigh- forget it that's an old friend or frienenmy from my old school....

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