Chpter 23 Did i do something wrong???

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It's Monday 2nd break and I was practicing the song "No" bye Meghan Trainor and walking to our office because my friend Bianca's lil sister, Lara got her ribbon stolen by her "friend" Corina....I was waiting outside the office while singing "Riptide" by Vance Joy....

Shanna: 🎶 Lady Running Down to the Riptide Takin Away to the dark side I wanna be your left handy---AHHHH TYLER!

Tyler: Hey Shanna! Where were you? We were waiting for you for awhile and Jayden was just like "ok she's gone" and left but I sneaked outta there...
Shanna: ........ohh wow....-sees Bianca and Ciara- Cya Biancs and Ciara...

Tyler and I were walking and I started continuing Riptide...

Shanna: 🎶 I just gotta , I just gotta know....If you gonna, if your gonna stay....I just gotta, I just gotta know....If can have it , I can have it any other way...🎶

Then Tyler joins in the song.....I saw heart was racing for some reason....oh I know why because I'm still afraid of him from the brake up....ughhhh I'm so dumb why do I like him still!?!?

OB: where were you Shan???

Shanna: somewhere...hey TC wanna race??

Tyler: yeh...

We raced I almost slipped at the start oh well....I won the race even though I was in my dumb school shoes...Jayden walked away I now when a person disappears plus I saw him walking away......I saw Bianca and Ciara talking so him..

Shanna: BIANCA!!!

Jayden heart hurts....did I do something wrong...I-I...why did he....

Shanna: Jay why you leave?....
I say that quietly...

Bianca: hey Shanna!

Shanna: W-what's wrong with Jay???

Bianca: I don't know

My Mind: did I do something wrong??????

Shanna: oh...ok

I walk to the oval sad.....


Hello my lovely people are you liking my life so far?? I'm sure not 😅 JK I'm loving my life welp hope y'all enjoyed Bye!!

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