〰Chapter 3〰

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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. This is what I am used of doing to make myself relaxed. Since after the battles we've been through, we have make it to the final round. Aiming is great. But, doing something to achieve it is necessary. And so this round is very important for me. This will pave a way for all my efforts. We should win this competion.

-Clash on going-

Proposition: Death Penalty to the perpetuators of heinous crimes

Positive side: Ms. Fuertes' group

Prime Minister: Aisha Rei Ann Fuertes
Deputy: Yoona Dela Cruz
Whip: Billy Rodrigo

Negative side: Opponent

Infront our group is the opposing team. They seemed so relaxed that made me think of the thought that they really did practice so much. They are equipped with enough knowledge to any preposition that might face them. The are confident and ready to bring home the bacon.

That is a great reason for us to feel highly strung.

Positive side Prime Minister's point of view:

"My dear Ajudicators. Viewers. Friends. Classmates. Opponent. A pleasant afternoon. Death penalty for the perpetuators of heinous crimes. We strongly agree on this for the following reasons: (Later, my co-pro will discuss each argument.) First, people engaged on monstrous crimes must be sentenced to death as an equal consequence to what he/she had done. The quality of being just or fair must put in motion. Second, Justice justify the means. We apparently thinking that death penalty is indeed appropriate for the perpetuators of heinous crimes. Death will pave a way to pay what had taken. Justice for the victims will be attained. Third, putting a condemned person to death was already practice in Hammurabi code. This only pertains that this penalty is proven and tested basing on its effectiveness. Lastly, people will fear to commit heinous crimes in return for they will fear to be under the execution. In result, less crimes in the country will be obtained." I said and smiled at the viewer then sat on my chair.

Negative side Prime Minister's point of view:

"No human can take away the life of anyone. God is the only one authorized to take what he had given to us- LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon. Our arguments will revolve mainly on opposing the proposition Death Penalty to the perpetuators of heinous crimes. We disagree on Death Penalty for several reasons: First, Life is a God-given gift, once it's gone, we can never bring it back again. Life is precious. We cannot just kill anyone just because they executed serious crimes. The existence of lifetime imprisonment or reclusion perpetua stated in the Philippine Constitution is the proper sanction. This only rectified the third argument of the positive side about Hammurabi Code, because this code no longer practice in our present generation- we are already governed with the Constitutional by laws and we cannot just revise those when we wanted. That is our second argument. Third, 'No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of laws.' Article 3, section 1. Meaning due process of law must be given to the accused to prove them guilty and deserved to be punished but following the written laws and ordinances in the Philippine Constitution 1987 and not just throw death as penalty. Forth, crimes cannot be controlled. Factors serves as evidence to prove the claim. So therefore, we cannot lessen crimes." Said by the Prime Minister of the opponent. He confidently pointed their parameters.

Positive side Deputy's point of view:

"Before I will proceed to our arguments, I would like first to expose the blunders committed by the opposition side. First, we did not say that Hammurabi code is still existing, what we pointed out is that Hammurabi Code was being practice on early times during the dynasty reigned by Hammurabi and we just claimed that this penalty is effective based on function. Oh' they are putting words into our mouth. Second, I think the Prime Minister of the opposition is confused between Philippine Constitution to that of The Revised Penal Code. Because actually Reclusion Perpetua was under the Revised Penal Cose. Lastly, less crimes was obtained during the Martial Law of late president Ferdinand Marcos. So this only proves our claim of having least number of crimes during the term of Marcos because of the existence of Death penalty during this time another example is Duterte's in the city of Davao..." Clearly pointed out by our Deputy Prime Minister. Howls coming from the audience boost our confident in our stand as Pros.

"Going back to our arguments, this house believes that Death penalty should be implemented. Why? Because first, being just and fair. An equal way of punishing people who committed serious crimes. We all aim justice, right? Especially if the victim is our love ones. Our bereave will just settle down after obtaining justice. Second, We cannot just agree to settle the crime by just allowing them to bale and be freed. We all want to attain equal sanction as what they've taken to us- life. And last is its effectiveness as proven by the Hammurabi code. Laws was written on a huge block of stone placed in the middle of the governed land. They are practicing the same thing. The reclusion perpetua will make people fear death and will never commit crime to avoid the punishment. In result, less crimes in the country will be attained. The fore mentioned arguments above tightened our stand to agree with death penalty. Our dear ajudicators, please understand deeply our points. Thank you."

The points each stand were stated well, which the chairpersons can be confuse with- to who among the two teams is deserving to be the winner.

The battle continued until the ajudicators was convinced the way one team proved and clearly stated their points.

And so, after how many minutes, finally, they come up and agreed on the result of the battle and announced the winner.

Winner: The Pros.
Best Debater: Pro's Prime Minister
Best Speaker: Pro's Deputy

People clapped loudly. Some howls. Our group hugged each other to thank each other's efforts and we hurriedly run towards our co-universities. They congratulated us. I can see how proud they were having their team as the champion.

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