Chapter 4

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Luke's POV.

On my way home,I encounter my best bud and his girlfriend flirting on the porch of his house,chuckling and giggling and what have you. They end up exchanging "I love you's" and a kiss. Actually a French long kiss. I could just imagine myself with a girl but would that girl give me a chance?

"Yo Eldridge, take it easy on her would you." They stop kissing to look at who's talking.
"Hey,what happened to calling me E.L.?" He smirks and we start laughing.
"Bro,sorry to interrupt but damn,you've got some skills... oh hey,hi Danielle."
"Hello." She smiles and looks away.
"Yo don't get started."Eldridge smiles and gives Danielle an eye to go inside. Laughing at each other,Danielle leaves our presence.
"So you told her yourself?"
"Who? What? Jane?.. I'm still waiting for the right time. Besides,she doesn't seem to like me"
"You're crazy man. If you want her then show her. Study how she is towards you.After a week or two,tell me what you notice."
"Yeah. Sure."
"Right. So I better go inside before Danielle gets worried. Maybe she thinks you're snatching me away from her." He giggles.
"Yeah man. Thanks. I'll see you later then yeah."

So this is how love is. I mean I'm proud of my guy. See how he feels for Danielle. It was only when I kept walking that it got me that when i have girlfriend,I wouldn't be going home alone.Well today has sure has been rough.

Jane's POV.

So much for today. I walk inside the house and found no one in the living room. I figured out someone would be in the kitchen or maybe my lunch. Getting there,I found no one just a note from my parents saying they'll be home late and that grandma's been rushed to the hospital. I sure hope it's nothing serious. I make myself something to eat then watch some television just to forget what happened earlier. It's going to take time but I've got try.

It's past 9:30pm and my parents aren't home yet. I finally decide to leave the couch and go up to my room. I unpack my books and sort them out. I take my bath and wear my pajamas but with tank top. I wanted to study and I feel comfortable studying at night with a tank top. I set my alarm my alarm to 11:30pm just so I can sleep and be able to wake knowing I've had a good sleep.

Studying through the night,I hear the door close from downstairs. I rushed down to to see who it was and I was glad when I saw my parents come in with Mitchie, my big sister. I had no idea she was with them.

Hopefully no one had a sad face so I was sure grandma was fine.
"Hey hey.Mimi,I've missed you."
"Aaw,babygirl,how was your day?"
"It was good."
"So what happened at the hospital?"
"I wasn't there. They picked me up from the library. You should ask mom and dad. I'll be in my room if you need me."
Mitchie leaves giving me her bag to bring back upstairs.
"So,mom,dad,what happened?"
"Your grandma will be fine. Just some stuff she's encountering. You see,she's growing old." Dad tells me.
"Oh I see. Well,since I know she is okay,I'm kind of drowsy. Good night dad. Good night mom."
"Goodnight sweetheart." Dad says and kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight baby. Sleep tight. I'll be over at your room before I go to bed. Love you."
"Love you more."

As I got to my door,I remembered that I had to give Mitchie her bag. I knock on her door and go inside. She tells me to leave it on her study table. I do leave it there and remembered what happened today. Mimi was in the bathroom and I felt I needed to tell her so I sat on her bed to wait for her. I look around her room and fell back on her bed. Finally she comes out of the bathroom into her room.

"Jaja,what's wrong?"
"Nothing just that today I was falling and Luke caught me. I starred into his eyes and now I can't seem to get that out of my head."
"Uhm,let's talk about this another time. I'm really sleepy. Let's make it tomorrow morning. Before you leave for school."
"Okay. Goodnight.Love you. Sleep tight."
"Love you more baby girl. Night night."

And just like that,I leave,go into my room. I set my alarm to 5:30am and fell on my knees to pray.Thereafter,I shut off the lights then fell on my bed.

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