Chapter 12

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My heart skips a beat when she says that. I did deny him when he came to me and i did tell him one of my friends liked him which he's obviously found out so I must be a good sport and be happy for her because after all,Stacie is my friend. It's going to be hard but I'll eventually get over him.
"Congrats on your new relationship." I tell her trying my best not to feign my smile.
"Yeah Stacie. We're happy for you. Very happy for you." Jasmine says. Kristen and Riley just nod but I notice Ashley's head being down.
"Aaaash, you're suddenly down,why what's up? You can tell us anything." I say.
" It's nothing." She says.
" oh don't be silly, tell us." Riley says.
"Yeah we're here for you. We'll listen " Stacie says.
"True Ash. Talk to us." Kristen says and Jasmine nods.
"Ashley.." I say
"Kyle broke up with me. Just now. He sent a message saying he's moved out of town. It was a sudden thing and he doesn't think our relationship will go on from a far distance so we have to break up but he still loves me."
"Aaaw Ashley, don't worry." Jasmine says and moves to her first to hug her then we all follow up.

By ten thirty,we all say goodnight and go to bed. Well they all go to bed but I don't because I'm thinking. Thinking of what Stacie said earlier.

A week after the girls leave my place,I decide to go solitude before school starts. My sister and I go over to my cousin's. We attend a prayer camp for five days. A clear no technology time. I do have some fun learning more about Christ and spending time with my sister. When we got home,my cousin came up to me and we went out the balcony to talk.

"Jaja, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No. Why ask?"
"Nothing just asking. What about a crush? Do you have a crush on guy?"
"I used to. There's this guy who liked me and I rejected his offer leaving him broken hearted. I swear to the heavens that I didn't like him then until some weeks later in summer school that I realized that I liked him too but now it's too late. He's saying someone now and that person's my friend, a good friend so I've backed out. I don't have time for guys now. Just my books and God."
"I like the sound of that. Well I just found out that my guy is a fuckboy and a father. I just thank God we never went that far in our relationship."
"Mmmm, at least you've had the feel of one."
"Yeah. So school's almost up. I'm gonna be a senior."
"Being a freshman isn't seniority enough" I laugh.
"Well at least I'm two years away from going to prom. You'll be in 9th grade."
"Yeah,yeah,whatever." I roll my eyes and we both laugh.

Going home,I get my mind ready for school. My reports came in and I turned out 5th in class getting 6A's and 2B's. My parents are happy but I'm not. I need to improve on this but I'm grateful anyway. I didn't get this with just my efforts but with God's too.

The academic year begins. Back to uniforms and ties. Calyster was right. I can't wait to be in high school. I rearrange my stuff in my locker and place my Bible at the corner. I place my hand on it and say a short prayer,pick up some books and shut my locker. I see Ashley with Riley so I just smile knowing that she's okay.

My birthday is almost up. I'm almost 14. This should be a good year. Basically, I write down my dos and don'ts also my wishes. There are sone things in my life right that if i could go back in time,I'd correct but that's not possible so I clearly write that I wish for me to stop liking Luke.I hope for it to come true.

It's Monday and my birthday is on Thursday. I'm so so excited. I was thinking of having a party bit I guess that could wait on till I turn 16. Oh birthday parties.. I've never really had on one. Ever. My naming ceremony is a clear exception. I mean that was the only gathering I've had for myself. I skip lunch today to reschedule my study schedule for both school and at home. New age,new responsibilities. As I have my pen in between my lips, Jasmine comes up to me.

"No lunch?"
"Oh okay."
"So have you heard?"
"Have I heard what?"

Then Ashley comes up to me,smiling. I'm really glad she's getting over Kyle.

"Hey girls."
"Hey Ash. Looking good."
"Thanks. It's school uniform anyway you heard?"
"Heard what? I don't get you two."
"Oh you were telling her?" She asks Jasmine.
"Yeah and since you're here, preach on sister."
"My pleasure,fellow sister." They mock themselves.
"So today's Luke's 14th birthday and.."
"Luke? As in Lucas Wilson?"
"Yeah silly and our dear Stacie, oh my."
"What about Stacie? Kill the suspense would you?"
"Okay okay but isn't your birthday this Thursday?"
"Any party?" Jasmine asks smirking
"No Jasmine. Ash, go on."
"Ou right. Where was I ? Right. So Stacie kissed him. Like French kiss in the cafeteria. They're like the cutest couple now,in school."
"Really?" I ask sounding depressed and shocked but I realize it and act quickly." Good for them."
"Yeah." She says.
Wow. Way to ruin my birthday week but I'll get over it. I must get over it.

On my birthday, I wake up to spot a glass of orange juice and pancakes on bed with my parents and sister smiling at ugly ugly bed face. "Happy birthday honey." My mom says and kisses my forehead. I smile at her and my dad does same adding some additional money to my daily allowance. Man,I wish everyday is my birthday. My sister smiles me and hands me a box. I open it to find a bracelet with "best sister" on it and a note which read
  No matter how annoying and sweet you can be,I'll always love you because I care.
Not only is this your birthday but the day God gave me a gift. A gift of having a sweet and loving sister like you.
Happy birthday Jaja.
I'd always be here for you.
Blood sisters till my love for you decides to fade.

PS:there are some mints in there so you can take them before you hug me.

I am happy and then sad. I begin to cry and she picks up the mints and force them into my mouth then hugs me. That is the nicest note ever. She stays over in my room and eats my pancakes because obviously, she made them. I couldn't be more happier. I'm indeed blessed.

In school,my friends shower me with gifts and lots and lots,I mean lots of happy birthday wishes. Before class started, the teachers would wish me a happy birthday. Some hugged too. It's been a good day so far. Really.

The term goes by so fast. Exams and then pooooooff,the term's over. This term has been fun. Well kinda. Having to feign happiness and all that but it was worth it tho. Ashley's happy and totally over Kyle now. It's a Christmas miracle.

Christmas! Church activities, the snow, the tree, the decorations, the presents,the carols, the snow angels,the snowman, the Christmas movies,the love. The thought of it makes me happy,on the inside. I can feel that my soul's happy.

On Christmas holidays, my family usually go over to Grandma's. It's really fun. We laugh,play,take pictures and participate in the church activities. It's really festive around there. I was arranging my books when my mom came to get packing because we were leaving to Grandma's tomorrow. You should see my haste, I finish packing within an hour and start thinking of all the fun stuff I'd do with Calyster. I breath of relief and smile myself to sleep.

Ppppllllleeeaaasssee vote on my storyI've taken time off my busy school schedule to update for you guys. I'd appreciate it if you voted and followed me too. Thanks loves.❤

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