Chapter 8

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There was a prayer session when i got in after my parents. The congregation was much more than I expected:so full that the was not much space left in front so I had to go to the back. I hated the back but what option had I.I went anyway. No luck for me there too so I decided on standing outside just to find a spot close to a guy not too old,his head down in prayer. A guy that loves praying,huh, I love that.

The prayer session was over and the sermon begins. It was all about everything having its time and that was taken from Ecclesiastes Chapter 3.Boy was the sermon long. 

"..He sets the time for time for birth and the time for death,the time planting and the time for.."

 I almost dozed off.God forgive me...Sheesh.. I look into my purse for my tissue and it falls out. I reach out for it but this guy sitting close picks it up. It's Luke. He hands it over to me and I just give him a smile with a nod. I look away half excited and scared at the same time,mostly excited. 

I keep staring while the sermon goes on and down to my purse when he looks my way.I stared at him  through the church service. My parents make it to the car before I do so I rushed out of the church to avoid making eye contact with Luke. I want to talk to him but I don't have the guts to because somehow I feel like I've wronged him although I wronged him first.

On Saturday mornings,although most people like in bed extra late,I wake up early to get a morning jog about a mile away from my house to keep fit. On my way today,I encountered Ashley. Ashley and I invented this jogging stuff on Saturdays to chat and exercise in the morning.Today was all about how her date with Kyle went.H e did this,he did that,we did this,we did that was all I heard from our conversation,honestly. I was happy for her though because I never knew someone like Ashley would fall in love.

We visited our Grandma and quickly paid a visit to my brother in UCLA.He's a major in Science. The family doctor we call him. We take some pictures and have a bite at McDonalds. We returned home very late and exhausted. 

I turned my phone on as my shut my door. I drop my phone on my table and head towards the shower. I took like 20 minutes in taking a shower shampooing my hair and brushing my teeth. Usually,I'd spend my Saturday nights at Ashley's or her at mine but today,we both didn't have enough time after all she said she was going bowling with Kyle. Kyle sure is making my girl fall in love.Sweet.

I pass my hand hair through as the water from the shower passes through my hair. I let the water continue to trickle down to my feet until I feel all moisturized. I step out of the shower after some thoughts because honestly,apart from my bed,I think more in the bathroom.

There's a buzz from my phone on the table as I leave the bathroom rubbing my towel in my hair. Who could it have been. It was the strange number. It called this time around. Who could it have been?

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