Chapter ten

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I heard my mother's voice, but unlike before... her voice is beginning to fade, I'm starting to forget my family's voice and face.


I was standing inside a house, I saw a light from the window, I walk towards it and found out where the light was coming from. It was a fire... from the torches; humans were carrying them as they walk towards the house. Angry faces were staring right at my soul...

"Zarina, run!"

I ran away as fast as I can!

Then I heard a noise... it was coming from somewhere so close... warm thick blood flows from my chest, an old man was standing in front of me... he was holding a kitchen knife, that's plunged into my heart. The pain was there, fear included... and then... flames went up the house... voices of people suffering echoed everywhere!

"Stop it!" I covered my ears


"Stop it please..."

I closed my eyes...


I opened my eyes, I was with Niklaus... we were sleeping in an abandoned wheel house, my forehead was filled with sweat. I'm having a nightmare again, about their pain...

"Zarina, you have to wake up, we have to go!" Niklaus is shaking my shoulders "Earthborn soldiers are coming!"

I came into my senses and open my eyes wide, I sit down and stood up immediately... I look outside and saw torches and heard some horses from afar. I turned back to Niklaus and assisted him to stand up carefully "You have to be gentle to yourself, Niklaus..." I said, I know Hex's has the ability to heal fast. But it's only been three weeks since we escaped the Kingdom of Earthborn; some of King Alexander's men are still looking for us.

I carried him to our horses...

"You're too strong for a woman, do you know that?" He smirks

"Yeah, not that strong for a Hex..." I said

"Even I, don't have that kind of strength..." he frankly said

"You're bluffing!" I said

"Seriously, you're different..." he said

We both climbed up to our horses and run as fast as we can...

My head started to spin...

"Zarina, are you alright?"

"Yeah..." I lied "Just a bit sleepy, I guess..." the truth is, ever since I tried to Heal Niklaus with that many wounds, I've always felt weak. And I brought the pain that I saw in them, with me... I don't know if it will ever stop. These nightmares I'm having every night, I wanted it to stop, but I don't know how... maybe it'll pass, I just have to endure it until it's gone.

"Don't worry, we're almost there..." he said

"Almost, where?" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, the spinning suddenly stops

"To Calypso's house..." he twitched his leg, maybe he's still feeling some pain "She can help us to the rituals of water..." he forced a smile

"Seriously?!" I was glad to hear it, the more rituals I get through, closer I become a Hex "Where's her house?"

"It's at the end of the Viper's River... a lot of Hex's live there..." he explained

"How will we get there?"

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