Chapter fifteen

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I walk towards the throne... I've always imagined myself sitting there one day but, now... all I can see is my father, sitting right there, looking so powerful, great, smart and brave. I touched it, the chair made from the strongest tree, twisted and crafted well, then I found myself frowning...

"I miss you father..." I force a smile "I don't know if I can do it, I don't know if I can be as great king as you..."

I remembered the last time I spoke to him... I was standing in front of his door, together with the small council. Feron, the King's Hand was inside with him... he came out in a few minutes holding pen and paper, it must've been my father's last will.

Feron went to my opposite side and placed his hands on my shoulder "He's waiting, for you inside..."

I nodded, straightened my body and walked inside the door... I didn't want him to see me looking weak, I have to be strong for him. He was there, lying on his bed... covered with sheets, his face was pale, dark lips, and his eyes... it was red. I stood in front of him for a moment "I'm sure there's another way..." I sat beside his bed

"No , son..." he coughs "The healers tried everything... they said my disease was caused by something dark..." cleared his throat "I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Dark Queen, she's behind all of these."

I was puzzled "What do you mean she's behind all of these?"

"She wants to take all four Kingdoms..." he said while coughing "She might be the reason why I got sick..." He held my hand and looks straight into my eyes "Look at you..." he tried to smile behind the pain his feeling "You've grown to be a nice young man!" he laughs "You got your eyes, from your mother, her smile included..." sighs "When your mother died, I promised her one thing... to keep you safe and always be by your side as you grow but, I failed... I was busy ruling the kingdom, hunting, drinking, and fucking whores!" he shook his head "I promised her one thing... one thing and I didn't do it!"

"That's not what I saw..." I smile "you're a great father to me, I always applaud you on how you can rule thousands of people while taking care of me well..." everything went blur, my tears was about to fall "I always wanted to be just like you..." I cried

"Don't be like me..." he squeeze my hand "be better than me!" he gasps for air "I know you can rule the humans better than me, and one day people will see your name in the history books on how great you are as their king..." I saw his tears fall "I love you son..."

He released his final breath...

"Your grace..." I saw the leader of the Knights entering the throne room, he kneels and stood up "I'm sorry to interrupt your grieve but, the Hex returned... together with his horses..."

Zarina was the first thing that came out to my mind "Is he with someone, a lady?" I miss her... I hope we could spend more time now, especially with what happened to me.

"Uh... no your grace, I'm afraid it was only the man who came back here..." he raised his brow and took a deep breath "...he said he wants to speak with you"

What does he want, and most of all... where is Zarina? I look at the Knight and nodded "Send him in..."

I waited in the throne room for minutes, before he entered... he looks stressed, looks like he hasn't been sleeping for days...

"Your grace..." he bows and looks on the throne "I heard about... your father's death, I know humans and hexes have always some conflicts but, I send my deepest regards for your father..."

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