Chapter 7: First Day High

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Here it goes! now loading Chapter 7!

After checking my section, I, along with Aljin decided to wander around the school vicinage to check some of its facilities and buildings!

Well that makes us late in our first subject.

--Classroom scenario--

We are somewhat afraid to come inside the classroom. We are still pushing each other to get in first. Since I'm such a slim one I was easily thrust by Aljin. So when I stepped in, I noticed that all eyes of the people inside the room are with us! They are staring at us with such annoying sight, as if its their first time to see a cute and celeb-like kiddo, none other than Pakito, and it's me!

Thanks to our teacher Mrs. Donya Myra E. Balingkinitan, we were removed from the Hot seat.

"You must be Pakito Abaniko" she said while pointing her meter stick to me.

Well that makes me quiver, she's kinda strict.

"Yes ma'am, I'm Pakito Abaniko, just call me Kit. I live in Makcute Village, Lot 09, block 30, Cebu City. Well ma'am I'm the valedictorian of our class. And ma'am I love to eat and to... "

"Mr. Pakito Abaniko, I didn't ask you to introduce yourself, you are so arrogant, very bumptious, FACE THE WALL" Mrs. Balingkinitan scorchingly shouted.

"But ma'am! I just thought that's what we are supposed to do in our first day, stand up, face your classmates and introduce yourself" I said.

"My gosh! you are calling yourself a valedictorian, how could you answer back to your teacher, did your teachers before teach you a good moral character and right conduct? okay you will be facing the wall all through out this period, together with you Aljin Embotido." our teacher angrily said.

Of course, we have no choice but to follow our teacher, so I, together with Aljin faced the wall but we are slightly smiling.

"She's so horrendous! I'm afrraid! grrrr...I can't also forget my first day in school. We are now popular in class, not because of positive reason but because of a negative one." Aljin said silently.

"Yeeahh right! She's like a tiger with a scepter, ajajaja very fierce, Oh I should also be thankful coz she didn't bite us and eat us, ajajaja"

We both laugh gently but we are flabbergasted by the loud voice and fine pinch of Mrs.Myra.

"What are you! Both of you should visit the Guidance counselor after class"

She then slapped our backs using her meter stick and wave it upward and instructed us to be apart from each other while facing on the wall.

Then Mrs. Balingkinitan went back infront of the class and discussed the rules and regulations of the school.

By the way, Mrs Myra will be our teacher in Values Education and Mathematics, she will also be our adviser. Omg! triple trouble.

Our knees are really trembling for standing for almost two hours. We can recognize the voice of Mrs. Myra and some other students but we can't comprehend and understand what they are talking about.

Now, our terror teacher's time is over, but before our adviser leave the room she said that we will not go to our seats unless our next teacher said so.

So we have no choice but to still face the hard and dusty wall.

Then we heard a new voice which is greeting with a smile we supposed.

The teacher gets a chalk and writes his name on the board while saying,

"I'm Mr. Mackentosh Brilliante and I will be your English teacher. In my subject I want you to exploit your knowledge about English subject and give more importance to what I'm going to teach you, because according to Nelson Mandela, "Educaion is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" he fluently said.

Well everybody was amazed and astonished the way he speaks and enunciates words! really head-shaking!

And of course he noticed the two of us,

"Hey the two of you, what are you doing there?"

Then a familiar voice answered.

"Amm Sir, its because of oud adviser, it's their punishment"

Another voice was heard in the class.

"Sir because they are so disobedient wahahaha! they managed to talk back to our adviser, they are so disrespectful. Actually that's not enough, they should be vanished from this school, because no weaklings are allowed here"

Then someone replied.

"Will you please shut up! No room for your useless and non-sense words! Why don't you try to practice what you preached"

wooh the commotion is getting tighter. Then Mr. Brilliante stopped the pandemonium.

"Enough! Enough! The two worn out boys, sit down and relax, take a rest!"

Ooohh yeeaah! We don't even miss the chance of taking a rest so we immediately look for a chair , and gotcha we found vacancies at the back and Aljin quickly take a nap.

While I'm recuperating from that long period of punishment, someone in front of me bragged me in.

"Hi Mr.High Blood! How's your blood pressure! ahahaha remember me? During enrollment?"

"Hmmm..Yeaah you look familiar! Lemme think of it.Enrollment??Ahhhh! I already remember yo.You're the one who insulted me, the way I dress and even my looks."

"Good boy! sharp memory huh! well I'm Herald Kyle Peligroso and you are Pakito Abaniko, an elementary valedictorian..ajajaja nice name!" he said.

"Hmmftt... be thankful I'm tired,coz if I'm not I'll have my revenge ajajaja, anyway let's get over it"

Then Mr.Brilliante called me and asked me to answer his question.

"Pakito, what do we mean by Interjections?"

"Amm... Interjections sir? ahhh Interjection is used to express strong feeling or emotion and even sentiments, for example..."

"Good Pakito, but I didn't ask you to give example" Mr.Mackentosh said.

"Clap clap to our self-claim first honor! Oha! you don't need to show to everyone that you know everything, boy weakling, I was wrong for letting you in here in our school. I should have pulverized your fist-sized brain." the rude boy said sitting at the right corner of the room.

"Grrrr...Mind your own business, If I'm not mistaken you're Jakie, a bully who lives in the Guidance office" I exclaimed.

"Oh you know me huh! Don't tell me you're my stalker?Later, your face and my fist will meet each other" Jakie said and he faced on the board and pretended that he's listening to our teacher.

After that confrontation, I tried to listen to Mr.Brilliante who is discussing the lesson, but I can't focus, I find it hard to understand what he's explaining, he is speaking too fast as if English is his first language, arrggg my head aches when I heard some of his hifallutin words, I really need Webster, Oxford or even Cambridge dictionary. I can't reach his deep wordings. So I just look around and scrutinize the kind of classmates I have.

While my eyes are rolling, I saw a girl, reading a book and I noticed it's one of the books of Bug Goong and when I widen my eyes, Oh it's Seraphin who I met in the bookshop. I called her and she smiled at me and waved.

Suddenly, the bell rang, and its a sign that it's already our recess.

So Mr.Brilliante bid a goodbye and allowed us to take our break.

Era and Herald asked me to have a break but I refused.

Most of our classmates take their break but me, I prefer to stay in the room and sleep, together with peacefully snoring Aljin.

Because I'm really tired and my legs are swelling, my eyes easily closed and then I fell asleep. I don't care what the people think about me or if my saliva will come out of my mouth while I'm sleeping all I know is that I need to sleep. Sleep to take a rest and sleep to forget what had happened.

****** Pause *****

There you go! Thanks for reading!I'll be working out my Chapter 8 hope to finish it soon.Byeee

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