Chapter 3: The Facepalm

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Bello!! here I am's the third chapter.

Now the meal is over.

"Kit let's go! so we can get your papers as early as possible" mama said

"Yes ma, I'll just brush my teeth"

Well actually.There goes sarcasm. I really don't like to go back to our school.

Because I'm gonna meet my former classmates and they'll be asking me about my school for secondary level. And I dont want to be disappointed again.

They will just slap the truth to my face that we will never be in the same school.

Me and mama rode in a jeepney. Inside of it. There are other passengers who happened to be my schoolmates before. They will also get their documents.

I can't look or even spare even a little attention to them for I am ashame of myself. I pity myself. My head is bowed down and pretending to be sleeping.

No matter how hard I try not to hear them talking, still all their words are transmitted into my brain.

Knocking me down. Putting me in a box or shall I say burrying me in a pit.

Ooops..I think our trip going to school for now is somewhat long. Is it because this jeep is travelling in s slow manner or whatever.

All I know is that, today is not like our usual day.

Finally, our ardous trip is over and we are now in school.

My mama is walking ahead of me, not because she's really fast in walking but because I'm to slow to move, its just like my feet are glued on the floor.

"Kit, C'mon, we are running out of time. I don't want to be in the last of the line." mama shouted at me.

"Alright mah!" I answered with a grotesque face.

Coz I really don't want to see my mates. They will just tease me. I know they will.

"Hey buddy, it's nice to see you again. Are you going to get your papers too?" Julian exclaimed. (my slob classmate)

"Oh.YeYeaah!! I'm with my mom"

"Nice dude, okay I have to go.See you at Periwinkle High School huh!" he added.

"Julian, we will not see each other on that school. I will not be enrolled on our dream school. My father decided to enroll me in a school near our house"

"Are you kidding man? But you said it so... we altogether promised that we will be in the same school"

"I'm sorry. My father's decision is final"

"Well dude, you'll be missing half of your life. You'll miss all those hot and sexy girls on that campus.

Oh if that's choice.I have nothing to do with it"

Julian turned away and didn't even bid goodbye to me, which he usually did before.

"I'm sorry son, if only we're rich. I will be giving what you want. Im sorry but while you are talking to him I listened and I saw in your face the disappointment and sorrow that you are now carrying in your heart. I'm really sorry" mama uttered with a vibrating voice.

"It's okay mah. I'm okay. Everything will be okay. I suppose" I answered while walking and trying to leave everything to that place where we stand earlier and pretend that I'm not hurting.

We reached the end of the line going to the registrar. It's really long.This is not what I'm expecting for.

I pay attention to those studes committing noise falling in line near the registrar itself.

And I'm not mistaken. They are my classmates.

So I immediately hide myself at the back of my mother.

But still they see me .

"Hey.Its that you Kit? why are you hiding yourself? Mariposa asked. (she is also an honor student, next to me actually)

" No I'm not hiding. I'm just leaning on my mother's back because I'm not feeling well. I'm quite dizzy" I explained while holding my forehead.

"Ah I see.Hi Tita! When are you going to enroll him in PHS?" Rodora asked my mom.

But before my mama start to talk. I answered.

"Actually ladies, I will not be in PHS this school year"

"Ohh! really? Why? What's the reason?" Mariposa quikly asked.

"Ajajaja.... I want to explore a new world without you guys. I want to start from zero.It's a very good challenge for me. And I also want to giveyou chance Mariposa to be number one in class, coz if we will be still classmates, you will never be...ajajaja"

"hmmm..hahahaha you have a point there Kit. hahahaahaha" she replied and went back to her line.

When they are already gone. My mom told me

"Why did you say that? If I were you I will just tell the truth. You don't need to do this."

I didnt answer her. I just stare at that building in front of us.

After a few hours. We finally got my documents and ready to go home.

And next week. Enrollment will be on.

xxxx CUUUUTTTTT xxxxx

I'm still frying the next chapter....Gimme a few more time.

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