Chapter 11: Fun Fun Fun

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Hello there! Chapter 11 took an ardous preparation. It's really hard to cook. ajajaja

Enjoy Reading!

Fast Forward.

The last day of our sanction has come.

"This will be the last time that we will be working together, I hope you learned a lot from this, not only how to use cleaning materials or how to clean but more than that,  a learning that you yourself taught." Mr.Eddie said.

Same scenario, I got my materials, moved ahead and cleaned all alone.

I have gathered all the wastes and put them in a trash bin. So I decided to carry it and throw it at the back of the school.

But because I'm really tired I accidentally unhanded the trash bin and fell it on the ground, trashes and wastes are now scattered.

I started picking and collecting the craps, then suddenly, someone came closer to me and helped me accumulate the wastes, and it was Jakie.

"You're tired already, go home now we'll be handling this, leave this to us. Go take a rest." Jakie said while picking.

I didn't say anything, I just continued working, even though I'm really tired.

When we are about to finish collecting the trash, Carlo, Michael and the two others came to help us.

"Hey, Want some help? Okay I'll carry this one" Carlo said while lifting up the trash bin.

We all went to the incinerator to throw the garbages.

They don't let me carry anything, I just watched them laugh and giggle while working, and I don't know why but unconsciously I'm also smiling.

After dispatching, we went back to the school ground and took a rest.

"Here, you need this, Thank God, its over, you'll no longer spend your precious time with non-sense us." Jakie said while handling a bottle of water.

I took the bottle and had a drink.

"Thank you, hmmmm ahhh... Well Jakie I'm sorry. I know you've been extending your apology for so many times and yet I ignored it. Now, by this time, I'll be the one who needs to say sorry." I said.

"No no, don't say sorry, its our fault, sorry should be coming from us, we are the criminals here, and we are humbly asking for your clemency ahahaja" Jakie added.

"Ohhh I see, ajajaja you have a point there, if that's the case, if sorry should be coming from you, Thank you will be mine. ajajaja." I exclaimed with a smile

"Sorry for Jakie, Thank you for Kit, mine will be.... hmmmm... Let's go home ahahaha. I'm really tired. I miss my bed and our CR ahahah" Carlo taunted.

"Okay okay. Let's go home now, I'll need to do my assignments." I said and started walking.

But before we cross our separate ways, Jakie called me.

"Kit, wait! Let's forget what had happened before. FRIENDS?" he said and swayed his arms in front of me waiting for me to give him a handshake.

Well I do give him a handshake and said "FRIENDS"

After that, I walked away from them and said to myself.

"Now I know why they had given us this kind of sanction. I know now the reason. This is the thing that Mr.Eddie told us, learning something that we ourselves taught."

xxxxxx :D :D :D :D xxxxxx


-classroom scenario-

"Class, our Foundation Day is fast approaching, and as part of the celebration we need to present a cultural show." Mrs. Balingkinitan announced.

As usual everybody was so excited about it.

"Ma'am it will be fun, that's for certain. This will be my stepping stone, I'll show my hidden talent, LaLaLaLa,  Mihiyaaah ahhh ahh Ahahahaa" Benny said .

"Well ma'am so what are we gonna do now?" Shyra May asked.

"Yeeaahh right! That will be fun, but we have a problem. A big problem. We don't have budget. We need to carefully plan this." Mrs. Myra added.

"Excuse me ma'am, you have said that we don't have budget, so why we should continue this? let's just study and stop wasting our time for this." I exclaimed.

"Ohh wait Kit, I think that's not a good idea huh! Aren't you excited with our Foundation day?" Aljin exclaimed while scratching his hair.

"He's right Kit, money is not a hindrance for us to enjoy, we can find ways for this" said Era.

"Yow dude, ajajaja, I know why are you acting like that. Coz you don't have talents to show ajajaja. Just kidding." Herald intruded the conversation.

"They are right Kit, there are several ways for us to overcome this matter. Just trust us. So let's talk about our presentation." added by our adviser.

So I don't have choice but to agree with them, coz its just like me against the world.

Well at the back of my mind, I know it'll be fun, but there is something that bothers me, but I can't figure it out.

After various suggestions and assumptions, the consensus is, our class will be presenting a sing and dance show depicting Filipino cultures.

Shyra, being the top 1 in class and president, acts as our leader, with her side is Era.

"Guys, this is not a competition, but it doesn't mean that we should not exert effort here, okay I'll be needing your full cooperation" Shyra said.

"We have our plans, but the questions are: how are we going to start? where are we going to start? hmmm" Era added.

"Hey! Let's start from me. I'll do a gimme gimme and some headspin and tumbling! I can manage" Herald said while showing us some of his moves.

Shyra asked us where are we going to join, in singing or dancing.

Herald, Aljin, Era, Jakie, Carlo, Michael, Grace and Shyra decided to be in dancing.

"Hey Kit, you should have joined us, dancing is fun" Jakie said.

"hmmmm...lemme think of it first, I don't know where I am good at." I replied.

"Wait...wait... Am I dreaming? Jakie and Kit are talking in a smooth and good manner, what's the meaning of this? Oh golly" Aljin asked.

"arrrgg... Aljin, what you see is what you get. Okay I think I have no choice but to join you, actually singing is my preffered one, but I think I wouldn't be happy there, so I'll go with dancing l" I added.

"Good choice my dear, we'll be showing them a one of a kind performance." Era exclaimed.

We've been laughing and chuckling for quite some time, happiness is really evident on us which attracts others to join our line up.

Eleonor Monalisa, Amir Delas Alas and Carina Vidanes extended their desires to join our group.

Of course, they were welcomed with open arms, as they say, the more the merrier.

Choosing to be with them, I think I won't regret it.

They may not be the perfect friends in this world, but they are my not-so-perfect friends who accept the imperfect me.

xxxx end of chapter 11 xxxx

That's it Ladies and Gents.

Thanks for reading.

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