In Which Nico Meets Mission Solangelo

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Humming a tuneless song, I lay on my bed in the infirmary, donned in my usual black attire staring at the ceiling and fathoming the great questions of our small galaxy, while nodding my foot. After all, you gotta keep up the pretentious attitude.

All of a sudden, the door bursts open and two people race in, slamming the poor door behind them. With wide eyes, I glance at the intruders. Jason Grace. And another person, a girl with green hair, freckles, tan skin, who looks a lot like Will. Kayla. Austin's sister. Will's half-sister. What are the pair of them doing together?

Before I can articulate a sentence into something along the lines of, "Jason, what in the name of Tartarus are you both doing here?" The idiot I am inclined to call a friend jumps and clobbers me.

In an urgent tone with his hands on my shoulders pulling me up, Jason practically yells, "Do you have a crush on William Solace?!"

All I could do was stare at him, blinking wildly. Then stare at Kayla, who was observing the cubicle.

In a flat tone, I questioned, "What."

Jason starts to shake my shoulders.
"Let me put this in simpler terms. Do you, Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, have a crush, or like, William Solace, son of Apollo?"

In the same tone as before, came: "What."

Sighing dramatically, the Zeus-spawn unclasped my shoulder and rolled off of the bed and motioned towards Kayla. It wasn't strange to see her here, as she worked in the infirmary, but it was strange to see her with Jason.

Sitting upright, facing the two, I try to intercept the silent conversation going on. Jason was sitting comfortably on a foldable chair, whereas Kayla was standing in the doorway, obviously out of her comfort zone. I was doom-n-gloom, after all. I tended to have that effect on people. All was silent, they were just staring at each other, but sometimes, I could catch an eye flash, or a facial expression, or maybe an eyebrow raise here or there.

"Will somebody just start talking?" I sigh, exasperated. Jason and Kayla both smile sheepishly at me. And then they both start talking at the same time. Real helpful, guys. I interrupt, and tell them to speak one at a time. It's as if they were kindergarteners! Kayla motions for Jason to speak. He nods.

"Thank you." Directed towards the daughter of Apollo.

"Okey-dokey. The members of Mission Solangelo at your service." He stands, giving a fanciful bow.

"Nico, you are so obviously in love with Will." He said flatly and without hesitation, pulling out a notepad and pen from what seems like thin air. I can only scowl.

"Jason, I swear to gods..."

"Oh, shut up drama queen, you are and we all know it. It's quite obvious." He said as I crossed my arms across my chest and huffed. Kayla just beamed.

Confused and in dire need of answers I tried to insert as much seething into this sentence as possible. "Can you give me some answers as to what in Tartarus is happening and where Kayla fits into this? And, Mission Solangelo? What the..?" Jason rolled his eyes.

"Kayla and I.. We have been planning getting you and Will together for months now, I swear, you two couldn't see chemistry if it exploded in your face. Also, we are doing an initiation, of sorts."

Scrambling up to the headboard to try and put the most distance between myself and the insane intruders, I grab a pillow and dug my head into it, as if to ward of all of their craziness.

"Now, Nico, are you a top or a bottom?"

I scowl once more. "Jason, you little-" Kayla's bright voice floated lazily over, interrupting me.

"He's joking. We, I, would like to question you on some things, as I am close to the "person of interest". Don't worry, none of it is too intense. Just simple stuff. For example, favorite color?" Before I could answer with the obvious choice, she contradicted herself, having realized almost instantly. "Ah, never mind, don't answer that." I could hear the smooth gliding of a pen on crisp paper.

More questions came. Kayla was right; all simple stuff. Dog or cat? Cat. Night or day? Do I really need to answer? We all know exactly what I'll choose. Music or poetry? I like music, but can't write it, although I can write poetry. Random stuff, I know there is obviously a deeper meaning. What is it?

Here came the question I was dreading.
"Nico, do you like Will?" Kayla questioned softly. I had never properly answered it, and would love for it to stay that way.

Deep breath. "Um.. I-I," A sigh escapes my lips, "Well, of course I do. It's pretty obvious, as you guys have politely stated." I peek my head up to look at them over the pillow. "I just, really, really, didn't want to acknowledge it, because then it becomes a thing. A thing that I then have to deal with. So I've been pushing away any and all feeling or gut notion." Kayla looked back at me with slightly calmed joy, Jason, with pride. Kayla scratched something down on the notepad.

"Thank you, Nico, for your cooperation." Jason says cheekily, giving me a mock salute. He looks at the daughter of Apollo, nods, and then leads the way out the door, Kayla at his heels.

Waiting until they cross the doorway, I leap out of the bed and scamper over to the door, and watch as the two members of Mission Solangelo race off to somewhere, probably plotting something embarrassing. My demise? Most likely. I'm going to wring the son of Zeus's neck.

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