Cocoa Puffs

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My feet were propped up on the conveyor belt of the register. I was on the night shift. I didn't mind though, not much happened at the grocery store at night, and it was always fun to people-watch. Weird individuals always came in, disregarding the fact that they were wearing pajamas (or sometimes, weren't wearing anything at all).

My manager wasn't on shift tonight; it was just me and a couple of other coworkers. No one really did anything, just played on their phones. The music was playing softly, a slow waltz.

I took my feet down and started to walk down the aisles of the supermarket. The music was a never-ending wave of ballroom music, so deciding fuck it, I started to put my years of dancing to use. I waltzed with a ghost down the front of the registers, winking at the whistles from passerbys.

I danced around the store.

"What are you doing?" A voice to my left cut me off whilst I dipping my invisible partner. I looked over to where the voice came from.

"What are you doing?" I questioned back. The pale boy was sitting on the tiled floor, surrounded by boxes upon boxes of cereal.

"I asked you first." He shot back, without a moment's hesitation.

"Touche. I'm ballroom dancing." I said, straightening, "And you?"

"I was too short to get the cereal I wanted." I stifled my laughter. "I didn't get it," he muttered. He looked dispassionately down at the boxes piled around him. He made no move to get up. Dark bangs fell into his even-darker eyes.

"Do-do you need help?" The boy opened his mouth and looked like he was going to decline, but then he closed his mouth and nodded an affirmation. "Which one is it?"

"The Cocoa Puffs, please." I almost snickered. Instead, I reached up to the top shelf and grabbed the box for the boy. Spinning back around, my foot got caught on my other shoe and I fell straight on top of the raven-haired. He leaned back as I fell, and my hands landed on either side of his torso.

Face heating up, I stumbled out, "Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do th-"

"Couldn't have waited for the bedroom, huh?" He smirked up at me as I blushed even darker. I pushed myself out of his space and leaned back on my heels.

He sat up, pulling his knees to his chest and picking up the cereal box I dropped as I tripped. "What 's your name, anyways? I feel like I deserve to know after you just literally came onto me."

He had a way of making me flustered every time he opened up his mouth. "I'm Will Solace. You are?"

"Nico di Angelo," He replied, smiling.

The night shift always brought some weird people, and (who could've guessed), it even brought love.

this is a mortal au, where i believe that they totally have a happy and domestic relationship and they get married and grow old together (and yes, they adopt two kids and a dog.)

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