Through the Years

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I was lying upside down on a couch in the Big House. We were supposed to have a Camp Counselor meeting, but it was being postponed. Connor and Travis were in an intense ping-pong tournament and most everyone was trying to avoid getting hit.

My feet were flat on the wall above my head, arms splayed out along the seat, head hanging off the couch. My eyes followed the small plastic ball. The cushion dipped to the right of my head. I turned to look at the disturbance. My boyfriend was amusedly grinning down at me. "I don't suppose that's too comfortable?"

"Surprisingly, it's a lot more comfy than you'd think. Try it." Nico looked skeptical. "Indulge me, babe." Nico rolled his eyes, but shuffled around to mimic my position. After a moment of sitting like that, I asked, "So?"

"It's not as bad as I thought." He paused. "You know, lying like this makes me feel very reminiscent. It's like laying on the ground outside at night."

I hummed, understanding what he meant. Suddenly, an old memory resurfaced, covered by the fabric of time. "When I first got to Camp, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was straight out of this game I used to play as a kid." My hands waved around as I spoke. "It had, like, little god figurines and these playing cards... Like Pokémon, you know?" I twisted my head to look at Nico.

"Was-was it Mythomagic?" Nico looked like he was trying to stifle an excited grin.

"Uh," my eyebrow quirked up, "Yeah, actually. Did you play it?"

Nico grinned the widest I've ever seen. It looked like he shed off years from his life. "I have all the figurines and all the cards! I haven't played in years, but I still remember how to! Would you play with me later?"

"Yeah," I breathed, giving a grin in return.

After the meeting, Percy caught up with me. I raised my eyebrow as he placed a tan hand on my shoulder. "I saw you talking with Nico today." I must've gave him a worried face, because he lit up, smiling reassuringly. "He looked how he did when I met him, as an excitable ten-year-old. You brought him back. Thank you, Will."

Don't worry, this is supposed to be multiple short chapters in one.


Will was laying on the floor of the Hades cabin. He was as dramatic as his father. An arm was thrown over his face, covering his eyes. "My boyfriend doesn't love me, Hazel."

My sister was sitting on the bed opposite me, hiding her smile behind her hand.

"I'm not wearing that." I grimaced at the item in question. It was a plastic bag holding a cheaply-made doctor's costume, with a photo of a man on the front looking ready to die.

Will put his arms up in the air. "But we'll match!" He was wearing a hideous glow-in-the-dark skeleton suit.

Hazel snickered. "Personally, I think it'd be adorable."

I groaned, Will grinned. "Don't encourage him, Levesque."

"Don't "Levesque" me, di Angelo."

Will was beaming ear-to-ear. "C'mon Nico! Isn't Halloween your favorite holiday?"

I fixed my boyfriend with an exasperated look. "Just because my dad is literally death, doesn't mean I like the holiday celebrating him." I blushed. "But... Yeah. It is."

Will sat up, looking triumphant. "Then celebrate it with me!"

An idea formed in my mind. Thinking aloud, I grinned at the wall. "I'm gonna raise some zombies and skeletons." Looking down at Will, I added, "You know, to get into the Halloween spirit."

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