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Erica Parker stumbled through the forest as she clutched her leg, attempting to stop the blood flow of the arrow wound she had received minutes before the rockets had launched from the dropship. The one that had brought her to this planet.

The makeshift tourniquet she had crafted out of her shirt sleeve was tied loosely around her left arm, covering another wound she had acquired during the bloody battle, the adrenaline flooding through her veins was masking the pain.

Erica was always a lover, not a fighter, but Earth had changed her. And she couldn't tell if it was for the better or not.

The girl began dragging her feet slightly, and was only maintaining her balance by staggering from one skinny tree to another.

Finally, her feet gave out from under her as she slid down the trunk of a thick tree, clutching onto her thigh as she winced slightly.

A thin coat of sweat covered her forehead and her eyelids were drooping, as her mind flashed back to the people she'd just lost from the Ark.

Miller. Harper. Monty. Clarke. Jasper. Lincoln. Bellamy. Octavia. Raven. Finn.

Finn. He and Raven had been her closest friends, but Finn was her brother. Not biologically of course, but the pair had always been there for each other.

Erica's mind began slipping away from her as she fell asleep, leaving her bleeding and unconscious on the forest floor.

The sound of movement in front of her awoke Erica, and she saw a tall figure in a hazmat suit crouched in front of her. She saw his eyes, filled with evil and malevolence. The sight made her sick to her stomach.

Erica's eyes widened as she let out an ear splitting scream, and her vision blurred,
until it was all dark.

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wtf is wrong with my gifs bro?

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