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Raven and Erica were exhausted, the sleepless nights spent trying to save their friends finally coming to haunt them.

They both had collapsed in Erica's bed, finally catching a break from all the chaos.

"You did good, Raven," Erica sat up to look at her friend, who sat on the opposite side of the bed. "The Mountain Man is getting better, the airlock you worked on is completely radiation free."

"At least I'm good for something. I've been sitting at that stupid radio for what feels like forever without a word from Bellamy. I feel useless, especially with these stupid crutches."

"They're not stupid, Ray. They're helping you heal." Erica sat up and placed a comforting hand on Raven's ankle. "I'm sure it's hard, I'm sorry this happened, but it doesn't change who you are. You're still Raven Reyes. Badass, intelligent, beautiful Raven Reyes. My best friend."

"I hate how much I love you," Raven chuckled as the door to Erica's room opened.

"Erica, I need you. Kane and I are going to talk to the Mountain Man now, we thought you should be there. Raven do you think you could listen to the radio while we're gone? I'll pick it up again after we finish." Clarke smiled regretfully as the brunette clambered out of her spot, grasping her crutches and pulling herself up.

"No problem, I'll see you guys later."

Clarke and Erica made their way through Camp Jaha, only to find Abby and Kane waiting for them outside the airlock. The Mountain Man was awake now, and sat with he head down and face concealed.

Erica walked up to the glass with her arms crossed. "Who are you?"

"Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail."

Erica's brows furrowed. That was easier than she thought.

"Kane, can I see those pictures we found?"

Kane handed her the stack of photographs and she picked on out, one with herself, Lexa and Clarke all sitting by a fire. Erica pressed it against the glass so he could see them. "Why did you take these pictures? Were you following us the whole time?"

"Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail."
He refused to look up at her.

Erica leaned her head back in annoyance. Kane stepped up next to her.

"Please answer the question."

"Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail."

Erica lifted the image from the glass, slamming it back onto the surface and startling the man. "You see the people in this picture? These are people that I care about. My people in your mountain? I care about them too. Surely you have people you care about, right? Carl Emerson?"

"Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail."

"What about the man you were with? The one with these in his bag. Did you care about him?" Erica gasped when he remained silent. "You did," She then frowned. "Well, I hate being the one to tell you this, but he's dead. That radiation stuff really isn't too good for you people."

"Funny thing is, this door is the only thing between you and a death like his. And we're the ones who put it there. You should have died in the woods. We saved your life. Why not help us bring an end to all this?" Kane held his hands up as a gesture, softening his expression to appeal to their prisoner.

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