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Clarke, Anya and Erica had stolen some spare clothes, and were attempting to navigate through the tunnels beneath the Mountain."Damn it!" Clarke breathed. "This place is a maze."

The three continued running, but when Anya stumbled and began coughing, Erica stopped in her tracks. The Parker girl grabbed her elbow to steady her, but she was quickly pushed off. "What are they doing to us?" Anya panted out, clutching her chest.

Erica had always been a little bit terrified of Anya, and felt disillusioned to see her so weak.

"They use your blood, it heals them." Erica finished putting on the jacket she'd found, and wiped the sweat off her upper lip.

"We saw a soldier come in with radiation burns," Clarke began, fixing her shirt. "In a few hours he was fine. It's like your blood heals them somehow, I've never seen anything like it. Come on, this way." Clarke turned to move again, but the others stayed in their place.

Anya went to go the other way, and Erica couldn't decide which direction to go in.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing? That's the way back to the reapers." Clarke whispered when she noticed where Anya was going.

"You go your way, I'll go mine."

"No, Anya we need to stick together."

Anya stepped closer to Clarke intimidatingly. "There is no we."

Clarke raised her eyebrows and took a step even closer. "We saved your life."

Anya rasped out. "Because you need me. I know the way back to your people, I know where the traps are hidden. You'd never make it alone."

Clarke turned on her heel and Anya did the same, both of them walking in opposite directions.

"Clarke," Erica began once she noticed that Anya was, in fact, leaving them.

"We don't have time for this," Clarke cut her off. "Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope-" Her voice died out when she noticed Anya was gone and she looked at Erica incredulously. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know, why didn't I?"

Clarke's gaze shifted to the tracks going down the tunnel and she began jogging forward, calling Anya's name quietly. Erica saw her eyes widen and a look of panic cross her face, she staggered back and grabbed Erica's arm, dragging her away.

"Clarke. Clarke, what'd you see?"


They broke out into a run, but after a few minutes, they had become surrounded. The low growls and menacing strides of the Reapers made them that much more terrifying.

Clarke and Erica grabbed at each other's hands and backed up against the wall. One of the Reapers had made their way to Erica, clutching her face as she squeezed her eyes shut. Clarke was about to try and help when another pushed her back.

A high pitched wailing sounded through the air, making all of the Reapers groan in pain. They let the girls go, leaving them to try and hold each other closer.

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