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Bellamy and Lincoln had departed on their journey to the intake, leaving the others at the camp to worry.

Erica had not been able to sleep, her wounds reopening every time she tried to get comfortable.

She managed walking to medical, where Abby stitched up her cuts and let her watch her work for the night.

Erica felt like a helpless child, sitting on Abby's desk swinging her legs underneath her with her hands in her lap, watching the older woman work with admiration.

"Open the gate!" Someone shouted, making Erica get off of the desk and limp outside, seeing Indra and other grounders entering the camp.

Indra muttered something to them in Trigedasleng, her jaw tense and her voice threatening.

Kane approached her and they met in the middle, Kane speaking to her amicably.

Indra unsheathed her sword and Erica's brows furrowed as she began walking towards them.

The blonde sighed in relied when Indra threw her weapon on the ground, the soldiers behind her following her actions.

Kane led them into the Ark and Erica followed, watching as they entered a conference room and Kane spoke with Jaha.

"Kane, what's going on?" She inquired.

"Our first meeting with the grounders. Or, our first friendly one." He nodded towards the mix of grounder and sky person crammed into that room.

"I wouldn't call that friendly," Erica scoffed, eyeing Indra. "But we'll get there."

"Go inside." Kane patted Erica on the back.

The Parker girl stepped into the cold, metal room, finding her place next to Octavia. A man stood behind them and nudged Octavia on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, my shock baton's got your back,"

"How about you stick it up your ass instead?" She sneered, not even bothering to look at him.

"I know we don't have a lot in common," Kane started. "But we do have a common enemy, and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather, we need to work together. Ogeda. Skaikru, and Trikru."

Moments later, Kane's speech on peace and unity was interrupted by a commotion between John Murphy and a grounder.

"John? You okay?" Erica asked him, stepping towards the pair who were face to face.

"Mr. Murphy," Kane addressed him. "Apologize to that man."

"For what? He was the one who came at me."

"Two days' work detail." Kane's voice had become more stern, but John didn't care.

"Work detail? I just told you I didn't-"

"Care to make it three?" Kane cut him off.

Erica's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold before her. Murphy simply shook his head, walking past the grounder angrily. Murphy was stopped in his tracks when the grounder gripped his bicep tightly.

WILD HEART • COMMANDER LEXA [1]Where stories live. Discover now