Novocaine Love

388 14 4

Mark's POV

"! That one!" Jack said happily, sitting on the counter top. "Ooh. Good choice, Jack." I said walking over to the table and picked up the small bottle of sulfuric acid. I examined it and smiled.

"This should be a slow, painful death for her." I said. He giggled and crossed his feet. "Yes, Master it'll be so much fun too!" He said. I laughed and opened one of the cabinets. I took out three wine glasses.

I set them on the kitchen table and put the food out as well. I got the bottle of wine and poured it into the three glasses. I swished the last one around. "Why'd you date that whore anyway?" I asked Jack.

"I was naive back then, Master. I didn't know what I was doing with her rather than you." He said, biting his lip with his eyes on me. "Neither do I." I said with a chuckle. I took the small bottle again and poured it into the glass I was holding.

I mix it around and set it on the table. "Remember which is which ok?" I asked. "Ok." He replied. He hopped off the counter and the doorbell ring. I put on a mischievous smile. "That must be her. Matt?" I called.

He ran up from the basement. "Yes sir?" He said. We'd made him and Ryan our servants. "Could you get the door for me? And make sure you greet her properly so she won't suspect anything." I told him.

Hesitately, he gave me a nod and went to answer it. "Hi!" She said smiling and waving. "Hey, how are you?" Matt asked as he hugged her. "I'm fine, you?" She asked. "I'm doing well. Mark and Jack are right over there." He said pointing our way.

"Ok thank you!" She said, walking towards us. I smiled at her as she did. "Hello, Signe." I greeted.

Jack's POV

I truly couldn't wait for things to take action. Why did I ever date her? She never gave me the love I needed. And Mark did just that. I just wanted to take the acid and throw it at her myself.

She hugged me and greeted me. God, I wanted to just crush her. We all took our seat at the table. I remembered which glass Mark tampered with like he'd told me to. He also said to call him by his name instead of Master.

"Thank you both so much for inviting me. I was a little surprised actually. I thought you hated me." She told me. And believe me, I did. "What? No, I don't hate you. Mark and I just decided to give you some space for a while." I lied.

"Oh! Well I'm glad to hear that and-mmm this is so good! Did you guys make this?" She asked, taking a bite out of the food. "Yes we did! I'm glad you like it. How about a cheer to us three? Friends till the end." Mark said.

Looks like this friendship wasn't gonna last long for her then. I glanced at Mark with a grin as we raised up our glasses. "Cheers!" We said together as we clank the glasses. I swished the wine around instead of drinking it to see her as she did.

She put it down and went at her food again. Then she started coughing. She dropped her fork on the plate and put her hands around her throat. I began hearing the sizzle of her insides. All the noise she made were squeals of pain.

She reached her hand to me and mouthed 'help me'. I grinned at her and slowly shook my head. Tears rolled down her face as the acid started to visually brun through her skin.

I leaned over the table to where we were face to face. "You should have known not to break my heart." I whispered to her backing away with a smirk. Her eyes were wide and blood boiled at the surface dripping down her hands.

It spilled out of her mouth and she eventually began choking to death. She stood up and stumbled onto the wall behind her. She coughed again and blood shot out of her mouth. She slid down the wall.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she started getting weaker and weaker. Soon, her hands finally dropped to her sides, her mouth left open. I put on a big smile and clapped like a little kid.

"Yes! Master we did it!" I said happily. I giggled and got up from my seat straight to her boiling body. I examined her exposed insides from her opened throat to her stomach. All the melted tissues, skin, and muscle.

It was a beautiful sight to see. Mark came and sat with me. "So she's finally gone huh." He said. I smiled. "Yup. She doesn't exist anymore." I said. "Matt! Ryan!" He called. They ran up the stairs.

"Yes s-" They both stopped in their tracks when they saw Signe's body. They were speechless. "Take her body down with Felix and Marzia's" Mark said. Again they hesitated before picking her up.

I could see their revolting expression. They carried her and blood dripped, creating a trail.

Mark's POV

She was dead at last and I was so happy. Jack had no idea how long I'd been waiting to take her life. Especially when they were still together. Now that she was gone I felt like I could do anything.

I stood up and reached my hand out to get Jack up as well. He hugged me tightly. I started to hear him sniffle. "Jack? Baby what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"It's just that...I'm so happy we finally did this-and that we...we finally get to spend our lives together. You don't know how much this means to me..." He said. He pulled away from me and I smiled at him.

I wiped away his tears. "You've made me so happy too. I'd been waiting so long to just be able to be with you. I...I love you..." I said. "I love you too...Mark..." He said back. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

We both smiled throught. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his as we both chuckled. "Now let's go kill some bitches." I said. He laughed and we headed down to the basement.


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