Even Darkness Has a Light

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DarkSepticeye's POV

I could see their spirits all lined up in a row. Felix, Marzia, Ken, Signe, and the stranger, plus others that Mark killed before them. All of there eyes were shut. I realized where I was and called out.

"Master, are you there?" I asked.

"I am here, but who is it that speaks?" He questioned.

"It is I...or us, rather. Darkiplier and AntiSepticeye."

"How is that so? Clearly you are but one being." He was confused at my answer.

"True. That is because...we have fused." I simply answered.

"Impossible. No demon has ever done such a thing." He didn't believe me.

"Also true, but no demon had ever fallen in love either, which has lead us to this."

In response, he appeared from the shadows. "An act of love?" He asked in an unbelieving tone. "Yes, sir. And that is one reason why I'm here. I need to give all of the souls back of the ones which we helped kill."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm certain that isn't possible. Not even I can do that task. Dark's wrong doings are permanent." He stated. "Another reason why we're here. We believe we're powerful enough to fulfill the task."

"Would it hurt to try?" I asked. He thought for a moment. Then he looked up at me, stepping aside to give a shot at it. I nodded in thanks. Then I stepped up to the spirits.

Jack's POV

I felt dizzy for a moment and Mark looked the same. After a minute, Dark and Anti spoke.

"Awaken spirits...let your souls be one with your physical being once more. Let life roam amongst you and abandon the memory of all that has happened involving us. Let your heart...beat again..."

They chanted, their arms out to their sides and head up to the sky. After they did, it felt as my whole life flashed before my eyes. Their eyes opened, both completely black. I felt a wave of energy pass through me.

It seemed to have effected Mark too. Anti and Dark's eyes closed again as they took a deep breath. Then opened again, back to one eye black and red, while the other green and blue. "It's done..."

They smiled. "Really?" Mark asked. They turned to him and nodded. "See for yourself." They said. So Mark immediately ran to the front door. I followed him. He looked at me before opening the door.

We peeked inside and saw a miracle before us. There they all were. Felix, Marzia, Ken, Matt, and Ryan all together in the living room. I smiled and turned back to Dark and Anti. "You did it! You really brought them back!" I said happily.

They chuckled. "Yes...but no need to thank me. I was only fixing my mistakes so that you don't have to suffer because of them." Mark stood beside me. "And that's something to be thankful for..." He smiled.

They did as well. "Well...we should be going. We have no purpose of staying here any longer." They said. "You're not going to split apart?" Mark asked. They turned around to us and shook their head.

"I think we're better off as one..." They smiled. We did the same before they finally vanished into thin air. Before I could speak, Mark gently turned my head towards him, kissing me softly. "I think it's best if we were together too." He said quietly.

I smiled and kissed him again. "So do I..." I whispered. "...but quick question..." I added. "Hm?" He asked, listening. "Can we like...pretend the close intimacy we had never happened?" I chuckled.

He did the same. "Why? I thought it was kinda fun...you should call me Master more often..." He smirked. I blushed intensely and covered my face in my hands, a flustered smile hidden behind them.

He laughed and gently removed my hands, kissing my forehead. "I'm just messin with you. Now come on. We don't want to keep everyone waiting." He grinned, opening door as we both into the house.

"Hey you two! We were wondering where you were. Come on we were just about to play a game!" Felix called us over. I glanced at Mark with a smile and he smiled back. We ran over to them and quickly joined them on the floor.

After all that's happened, all that we had just went through. There was no doubt that this had been the craziest experience in my entire life.

But through all the troubles and hardships, everything turned out to be just fine.

A/N This chapter is a bit short, my apologies. I AM A FAILURE! DX Lol but yeah, the next chapter may be the last, actually I'm pretty certain it will be and I didn't end it here because I don't want it to end either! Sadly it must, so sorryyy. My stories have ended up to 14 chapters so far BUT do not worry! My story all He Is' and other future ones are guaranteed to be much longer so there will be more to look forward to! Am I forgiven?? No???? Yeah???? Well either way I still luv you <3 Bye byyyee!






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