Out From the Shadows

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Jack's POV

Mark stood up and took the knife on the stand. I backed away in fear as he walked towards me with it. "I said WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He yelled, raising the knife up as if about to stab me with it. I covered myself, raising my hands above my head.

"Please! Don't..." I tightened my eyes shut just waiting for him to strike. Noticing he didn't, I opened them and looked up at him. His hand trembled with the knife in his hand. He had sorrow in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." He apologized, bringing his hand down and dropping the knife onto the floor. All of a sudden he grabbed onto his other wrist and groaned as if he were in pain. He turned and walked back to the other side of the room.

I stood up straight and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Since his back was facing me, I couldn't tell what he was doing. "Mark...what is that..." I asked him again. "Please just...stay back..." He told me.

But I refused to. Instead, I approached him slowly. "Just tell me what it is-"

"Stay back!!" He said again. I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around to see what he was hiding from me. I jumped back when I saw it. "What is..." I tried to ask, unable to finish the question.

He tried to hide it again though he knew I'd already seen it. His hand down to his wrist were veiny, and the veins were a dark purple tracing up to his fingers. "Mark..." he looked up at me with dark eyes.

"Run....run now..." He said as the veins began to reach up to his neck. I paused in shock, but did as he told and ran.

Mark's POV

My chest began to hurt as this thing spread throughout my body. I took my shirt off again to see that it'd formed a gash-like line from the top to the bottom of my torso. "W-what are you...d-doing to me...?"

"I'm taking control over your body completely...as in-I'm done sharing, Fischbach..." He said through my own voice. "No...no-fuck you!!" I yelled at him. The pain grew and I stumbled back against the wall.

"Ffffffffuuuuck!!" I groaned. "We're already half way there now....stop struggling and this'll go a lot better for the both of us." He spoke from my mouth again. "I won't let you....take me over...." I strained.

At this point, as he said, I was only in half control of my body. If you were to look at me, you'd see pain, anger, fear, and frustration. In fact, you'd see two entirely different people in one body.

You could hear him, growling and roaring. Then you'd hear me, pleading and yelling for mercy. We were like a two-headed monster. And he was the stronger one. He reached for the knife again while I tried keeping away from it.

But he was able to get to it anyway.

Jack's POV

I ran down to the basement first to get Matt and Ryan. They looked at me wondering why I was in such a panic. "What's going on?" Matt asked.

"Shut up-just get out of here-go, go!!!" I rushed them. They listened and left. I went up right after them. I stopped at the top to see Mark at the doorway leaning against it and out of breath.

His whole body as dark and veiny now. He looked up at me slowly as he growled. After that I immediately ran out the door, taking my keys as I did. The others were outside waiting for me.

They followed me to my car and got in. But by the time I had the key in the ignition, Mark was at my door. I shouted in surprise. I tried to hurry and start the car, but it was already too late.

He broke the window and unlocked the door, opening it. He grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me out of the car. "N-no!! Please!!!" I begged for mercy. He chuckled in what sounded like multiple voices.

"Why so frightened? You're not fooling anybody." He said looking into my eyes. "What are you talking about??" I asked him. He looked angry now. "You've been hiding for years, but you can't hide what you were made to do."

I was extremely confused. "As soon as I gain full control over this body, I expect you to do the same." My eyes went wide. Was he talking to someone that was possibly like him, but...in me...?

Mark's/Dark's POV

I wasn't sure who I was talking about, but apparently, I also did. Jack gasped and threw his head back. He gripped onto my hand that was holding onto his shirt. His head fell forward to where I couldn't see his face.

He looked up slowly and his left eye was green while the other was black instead of white, both still blue in the irises. He gave me a disagreeing look. "If this is some invitation for you and I to join forces again...I don't accept." He spoke.

"Well if it isn't for the puckish Anti..." I said to him.

"I crave nothing..." He said in an angry tone. "Is the biggest lie you've ever told. We both know who you really are. You thirst for any kind of trouble." I said, letting go of his shirt as he let go of my hand.

"Wrong. You know that." He crossed his arms. I sighed and looked down. "You know how I feel about this..." I said in a deep tone. "Yeah, I do. But do you know how I really feel?" He asked

"Like someone who needs to hide from themselves for two thousand years." I spat. He gave me a dirty look. "And I suppose taking over someone's physical state is better?" I looked down to the ground in silence.

"Didn't think so. Why don't you let him go and speak to me as your true self?"

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