Back and Worse than Ever

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Jack's POV

I woke up expecting my master to be there. After feeling around the bed, not finding him there, I lifted my head up. I looked around the room. When I did, Ryan came in. I looked at him drowsily and annoyingly.

"Um...s-sorry if I...disturbed you master...doesn't seem to be doing so well." He told me. I have him a confused look. "What do you mean 'not doing so well?' what happened?" I asked.

"Come out to the living room." He said, walking out. I did as told and put on some pants before I did. I walked to the living room and stopped as soon as I did. Mark was on the edge of the couch with his head down.

He swatted at his ears as if bugs had been buzzing around them. "No I didn't fucking...say UP!! SHUT THE FUCK UP! FUCK YOOUU!!" He was shouting immensely. I approached him slowly.

"Master...? Are you...alright...?" I asked, a little scared. "NGH!!" He grunted at me. I jumped back.

Mark's POV

"Why are you toying with me? Just fucking DO AS YOU'RE TOLD." Dark yelled. He was back again. But he wasn't so happy. He wanted me to do something even someone like me wouldn't do. "NO FUCK YOU!! I WILL NOT...HE...AAAH!!"

My head felt as if someone were pounding it with a sledge hammer with full force a million times a minute. I fell from the couch and into my knees, my head in my hands. "If you don't, I will. It's the easy way or the hard way. Make you're fuckin choice...or I will. And you won't like when I'm in charge." He said, very stern."

"GOD FUCKING...YOU STAY AWAY FROM...AHHNNGH!!!!" He knew I was refusing again. And wasn't putting up with that. I heard Jack when he called me, but I was in too much pain to even look at him.

I knew Dark was fighting over the dominance of my body, and I was not going to win. He's always been more powerful than me. Fuck, I just hope he does nothing to hurt jack. Please...don't let him die.

Jack's POV

I watched in fear as he shouted and screamed at himself, striking objects making them crash into the floor. It felt dangerous to approach him again. He started knocking things off the kitchen counter.

Ryan was just as terrified. Matt must've still been down in the basement. I'd never seen Mark act this way. It seemed as though he was in an argument. But with who? He must've been hearing voices in his head.

I stayed in the living room in case I'd get too close to him. Then I heard a loud thud, and the noise stopped. Curiously, I slowly walked towards the kitchen. Mark was collapsed onto the floor on his back.

"Master...?" I said, carefully leaning down closer to his face. I thought he'd been passed out. "Ah!" I exclaimed. His eyes shot open, a pitch black color. He shouldn't have frightened me, but I remember those eyes from before.

Even now it still made me uneasy. I backed away from him as he sat up with a blank stare. He looked down and examined his arms and hands. Then back to me. He chuckled and stood up. I backed away even more as he walked towards me.

"Why so shaken? It's only me. You're master." He said with an evil grin. I have him an angry look. "You're not my master. Who are you." I asked sternly, demanding an answer. He laughed and walked passed me.

He looked out of a widow before he spoke. "Hasn't told you about me. Has he? Tch. What a fool. He knew this would happen. But he just wouldn't listen now would he?" I was confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

He turned towards me. "I'm Dark, Mark's voice in his head. What you don't know is that I am actually an entirely separate entity that shares a body with him. I'm able to take over your precious master's body completely if I wanted to."

He held my face in his hand with a smile. "W-what? That's stupid-you're just fucking with me." I said, not wanting to believe him. He tilted his head a little to the left. "Oh? Do you remember that 'vision' Mark showed you?" He asked.

My eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Y-yes..." I answered. "I showed that to you jack. Not him. But me. Yet learned on your own what I wanted." I gulped down the lump in my throat.

I began to get really scared again. "I...I didn't do anything for you! I did it for Mark! Not you!" I said. "Please just bring him back..." I began to cry. "There they are...the tears we've been seeing for the past days..." He wiped my face.

Then in a few seconds flat. "AAH!!" I yelped. He stuck me across the face, forcing me down onto my side. I held onto my cheek. "You always appeared as a little bitch to me." He spat. He grabbed me by my hair and lifted up my head.

I grunted at the pain it gave me. "Did you really think you could satisfy him? Hmph...pathetic." He said, letting go of my hair.

Dark's POV

I stood back up in complete bliss. Mark was temporarily unable to come in contact with me at all. Not physically, not mentally, nothing. He could only see through my eyes and watch my actions.

I told him if he wouldn't get Jack to kill his own mother, or do it himself, he'd regret it. Looks like I have to do this shit myself. "Let's get rolling." I said taking Mark's knife out his back pocket. He looked up at me with eyes that said 'hell no.'

"I'm not going anywhere with you...I want Mark back..." He was wasting my time and it was pissing me off. I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. He gasped. "You're not getting him back until I fucking feel like it...Now let's. Go." I said angrily.

He bit his lip trying not to cry. I let him go and walked away, expecting him to follow. In which he did. "Where do your parents live." I asked looking over the horizon. "I don't want to tell you that." I turned towards him.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to tell me, I asked you where they lived." I was getting angry again. I saw fear in his eyes. "*address*'s...not far from here..." He said looking down. I gave an evil grin.

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