You'll Learn

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Mark's POV

Jack was really being a pain in my ass right now. I just wanted him to fucking give in already. Instead he cared more for that Swedish dick hole than me. What did he see in him that I didn't have?

"Take him back down to the basement." Dark said to me. I did as he said and picked him up while he kept struggling to get out of my grip. "Put me down!!" He shouted. I covered his mouth.

"Will you shut up? If the others wake up because of you, you're gonna regret it." I said opening the door. I dropped him down the staircase and watched as he rolled down. He grunted all the way down.

By the time he hit bottom, he was too sore to stand up. I walked down to him and sat him up against the wall. I took a rope that I saw here earlier and wrapped up his arms and legs. "Now you can't escape." I said smiling.

He just sat there with tears in his eyes. I stood up and walked back upstairs, turning off the light. I closed the door and locked it. "Nicely done Fischbach. I couldn't be more proud of your work." Dark said.

I smiled and chuckled. "Why thank you. It's what I do best." I responded.

Jack's POV

Sitting there in my own cold, dark, smelly basement, I cried loudly and constantly. I tried to wiggle around in the rope hoping I'd break loose somehow. Instead, it just burned my skin.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I could just smell the stench of Felix's rotting corpse. "I HATE YOU!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I couldn't say enough to express the way I really felt. I HATE him. A while later after soaking in my own tears and anger, I cried myself to sleep.

Mark's POV

I woke up and looked out the window of Jack's room. I grinned at the beautiful daylight before getting up and walking out the room. When I made it to the living room, everyone gave me the same look.

The look that said 'It's that fuckin prick.' Specific, but that's what their eyes said to me. "Where the fuck are they?" Ken asked. "Who?" I asked, pretending not to know.

"Don't act stupid Mark. Ever since you've been here, the atmosphere's been all fucked up." Matt said. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said, not even trying to be subtle with it.

"Stop fucking lying." Ryan said. I looked at him and laughed. "Come on Ryan you know me. Would I lie to you?" I asked, trying to mess with his mind. I walked past him and into the kitchen.

"Where are Jack and Marzia?" Matt asked. I stopped in my tracks. "Find them." I said smirking, without turning to face them. After a minute of silence, I heard them scatter around to search. In the kitchen, I took a cloth from the counter.

I took out a small bottle of chloroform and dabbed the towel with it. Yeah, I came prepared for this. I hid it behind my back before I walked up to Ken first. Without him noticing, I crept up behind him and put the damped cloth up to his nose.

He squirmed a bit, but quickly passed out. He fell to the floor and I went on to the next person, Ryan. I did the same to him while he was in one of the rooms. "AH!!! OH MY GOD!!" I heard Matt yell.

"There's our last target." Dark said. I grinned and walked to where I heard Matt yell. He turned around and saw me standing there. "You did killed her!!" He said pointing to Marzia's dead body.

I just smiled and approached him with the cloth. He backed away slowly. "Don't worry. Just cooperate with me and it'll be over in a jiffy." I said. Then before he could react, I forced the cloth up to his nose.

Within seconds, he was out cold. My plan worked perfectly. I took all three of the bodies down to the basement where Jack was still tied up. He looked at me in shock when I brought them down.

I threw there bodies down next to Felix's corpse. I tied them up as well.

Jack's POV

I was sitting there in the dark lost in my thoughts. Then a bright light came on and stunned my eyes. Mark came down with Ken, Matt, and Ryan's body one by one. I looked at them and up at Mark shockingly.

"Don't worry baby. Their just sleeping." He said, tying them together across the room. He walked back to me and kneeled down. He grabbed onto my chin softly and I pulled away from it.

"Come on babe don't be like that." He said. "Don't call me that." I said, irritated but still afraid of him. I looked away from him. He turned my head back to him. I looked into his eyes which weren't black like before.

I was really confused on whether not this was even reality or not. Felix is dead, Marzia is dead, the others are knocked out, and we're being held hostage. I just wanted this nightmare to end. I closed my eyes just hoping I'd wake up.

When I did, I felt his lips press against mine once more. Only this time, it didn't seem forced. It was more passionate and gentle. "I know all of this is crazy...but I'm doing all of it for you..." He said between kisses.

I wanted to say 'hey you're insane, get off you dumb fuck.' But instead, before I knew it, I was kissing him back. Fuck, what the hell was I doing??

Mark's POV

Jack was finally kissing back. I knew he'd start to give in. I expected myself to be glad about it. But that isn't exactly what happened. "It's not working. He still loves him." Dark said. When he said that, I pulled away from Jack slowly.

I looked him in the eyes and he looked down. I looked back at the others, then Felix's body and sighed. I removed my hand from Jack's face and put my head down. "Then again all of this is also probably a waste of my damn time too." I said.

"You don't know how hard it is to fall in love with someone...who'd rather be with someone else. It fucking hurts, and this is the only way I see I can solve it." I added as a tear escaped my eye. "You need to change him." Dark said.

"I know." I whispered. I wiped away the tear. "I'm not gonna let you go until you've learned to love me..." I said. I reached into my pocket to get my gun and pointed it to Matt's head. "MARK NO!!" Jack yelled.

I looked back at him. "What are you doing?!" He asked worriedly. I looked at him with a smirk. "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna kill him." I asked. "Please...don't..." He begged, as a tear filled his eye.

A faint smile crept up on my face. "You'd rather it be me, huh?" I said, pointing the gun up to my head. His eyes widened. He only looked at the gun and then back to me as the tear finally dropped.

"So you do care." I said, putting the gun down. "No... I'm just not like you, wishing death among people." He said with a shaky voice. I chuckled. "Didn't seem that way when you started kissing back." I said.

His cheeks turned a pinkish color. I leaned in to kiss him again with more passion than before. It took him a minute to kiss back again.

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