Where are you?

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Jack's POV

The whole time I was in bed, I was scared to even close my eyes for ten seconds. I was paranoid that Mark might try to do something again. At this point I just wanted Felix to be here with me to make me feel safe.

I looked up at the door. I just tried to take my mind off it and went under the covers to try and get some rest.

Mark's POV

Quietly, I opened the door and walked out of my room. I carefully went into the living room. I approached Felix slowly and looked down at his sleeping body. I chuckled quietly. "Looks like this'll be the last time you ever wake up." I said a little loudly.

He turned and faced me. "Ngh...wha...?" He said drowsily. When he saw who I was, he gasped. He began to sit up and say something else. But before he did, I covered his mouth and wrapped my arm around his throat.

I choked him as he struggled to break free."Ssshhh...just let it happen." I whispered into his ear. Slowly, he became more and more feeble. Within a couple of minutes he finally lost consciousness.

I picked him up carefully and took him into Jack's basement, taking the knife with me. I threw his body on the ground. I examined my knife again before use. "Don't worry. You won't even know you're dead." I grinned.

I drove the knife right into his stomach, stabbing repeatedly. I smiled throughout as blood gushed out of his nose, mouth, and stomach. "Enough." Dark demanded. I did as told and stopped, panting happily.

I looked at Felix's now roughed up bloody body. It highly satisfied me to actually see him dead. To see all that red ichor spread among the floor and all on my knife and hands. I licked off all the gooey sweetness. It couldn't taste any better.

"Oh, Felix. Should have known not to interfere with our love." I said, though he couldn't hear me. I picked up his body and wrapped it in one of the sheets that'd been down there. I went upstairs into the garage to get the mop to clean the mess.

Once I finished, I put it back and put his body in a corner. I took a quick shower and got my clothes washed. I changed into my pajamas and lied in bed looking up at the ceiling with a triumphant smile. I soon fell asleep thinking of that night.

Jack's POV

I woke up and sighed in relief. "He didn't do anything. Good." I said to myself, at least hoping he did nothing. I got up and stretched, running my fingers through my hair. Then I finally walked out of the room to see everyone else awake in the living room.

Mark looked at me with that same smile again. I just looked away from him and over to someone else. "Good morning Jack!" Marzia said waving. "Morning Marzia!" I said doing the same.

Then I realized something. "Wait, where's Felix?" I asked her. "I dunno. Probably still asleep. He can be lazy sometimes." She said with a smile. I smiled back, but then I stopped when I looked at Mark again.

He looked back at me and then looked away with that smile. My heart started racing when I remembered what happened the other night. "Um...I'm just gonna go check up on him ok?" I told Marzia, worried a little.

"Oh, uh ok." She said. Then I walked over to Felix's room and knocked. "Felix? You up?" I asked. "Felix?" I called, knocking again. He was probably still asleep, but I wanted to make sure.

I opened the door slightly, to where I could look inside. When I saw he wasn't there I walked in. I looked around to see where he was. The room, the bathroom, the other bedrooms, but he wasn't there.

I walked back to the room in slight panic. "He isn't in there." I told them. "Huh? He isn't? Did you look everywhere?" Matt asked. I nodded my head.

"Maybe he's hiding. Or he walked out for a bit." Mark said not sounding the slightest bit of concerned. "Mark you can at least sound like you care. Who woke up first?" I asked. "Me." Matt said.

"I woke up at 7:30." He added."Ok so you never saw Felix come out of his room? Anyone?" I asked. "Nope." Everyone answered. Except for Mark. I got really suspicious. "Well he shouldn't have woken up any earlier than that." Ryan said.

I kept glancing back at Mark, knowing that he just had to have something to do with this. "Well, maybe we're making a big deal out of it. He'll probably show up soon." I said not wanting to believe anything happened to him.

"Yeah...maybe." Mark said. I grew more terrified and irritated and just went to the bathroom to shower down. "Please don't let anything have happened to him...please..."


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