Morning Wake Up Call

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You were incredibly warm when you woke up, and for a moment you forgot where you were. The mattress was harder than you remembered yours being, the sheets smoother and softer. But it wasn't that that had you blinking your eyes open. It was the heavy weight of an arm across your back, and the warm, body currently spooning you. Your legs were tangled together, and you couldn't tell where you ended and he began. 

As you tensed up, wondering who this strange person was, and how they had gotten into bed with you, events from last night started to flash in your mind, reminding you that you had said yes to sharing a bed with Dean. Dean who you had just met the night before.

Truthfully, if it hadn't been for the ghost that had supposedly hiding in your room, you wouldn't have taken him up on his offer. But now, with the light beginning to shine through the window, you took in the room, wondering if you had made a horrible mistake. You could see Sam still asleep in the next bed, the blankets kicked around his waist as he laid sprawled, taking up the complete surface of the queen sized bed. 

You had never been one to make rash decisions, but it seemed like you had made one last night. After hearing that terrifying scream, you must have lost all common sense, because you would have never said yes to sleeping in the same bed as a stranger. Especially a stranger who had just told you they hunted monsters for a living.

Gently lifting the arm up, you tried to slip from underneath it, wanting nothing more than to go back into your room, and try to figure out exactly what was going on. It seemed to take forever, but soon you were at the edge of the bed, your feet touching the ground. Standing up, you looked back to see Dean shuffle in his sleep, searching for the warmth of your body that had left him. 

In a way you felt bad for leaving like this. In your heart you seemed to know that these two men were just trying to help you. But your brain was telling you that you were being ridiculous and naive to think that these two men would take a stranger under their wing, and protect them from something that doesn't even exist.

Grabbing the key Sam had brought back from your room, you tip toe to the door, holding your breath when you noticed both men turn in their sleep. Your hand on the door knob, you turned it, wincing as the door hinge squeaked when you started opening it. While the sound wasn't super loud, it sounded like a siren in the quiet room, and you glanced back just in time to see both men jumping out of their beds, a gun drawn in Sam's hands.

Your eyes growing huge at the site of the gun, you yanked the door open, rushing down the short distance to your room, fumbling with the key. As it finally fit into the lock, you could hear Dean's voice calling your name. Glancing at him with wide eyes, you slipped into your room, shutting the door.

It was only seconds later when you heard a hesitant knock on your door. "Y/N, what's a matter? Please let me in." Dean asked from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry Dean, I'm just not sure I want to." You admitted, even though you stayed there with your back against it. In your heart you knew you were acting stupid, but you couldn't help it.

"Listen, I don't know what happened. One minute I was asleep, the next you were running like we were going to kill you. Please just tell me what happened."

"Truthfully?" You started. "I guess it was waking up this morning, with your arms around me, and realizing that I just met you, and I hardly know anything about you. Sure, you told me you hunt Monsters, but waking up this morning I realized how far fetched that sounds. So, I'm sorry, but I just wanted a little bit of time to think all these things through." 

You heard him sigh on the other side, and for a moment you contemplated opening the door, just to see the expression on his face. "I know it's a lot to take in. How about I send Sam for some breakfast, then we can talk again. I know we just met, but please, I don't want you to leave our lives yet." He pleaded, and you found yourself opening the door, staring into Dean's eyes, which seemed to brighten when they noticed you.

"Yeah, I would like that. I'm sorry I ran off." You apologized.

He shrugged your apology off. "Don't apologize. It's a lot to take in. But why don't you come back, we can have breakfast, and I will tell you everything you want to know."

You nodded. "Sure, just let me get dressed." He nodded, and started to move away, but you remembered the voice from last night, and all of a sudden you didn't want to be left alone in your room. "Dean?" 

He turned back, a questioning look on his face. "Can you please stay? I know it sounds stupid, but after last night, I'm not sure I want to be alone in this room."

"Sure." He said, stepping inside your room. You left him at the door, before pulling the drawer open, and grabbing the simple outfit of jeans, and a t-shirt. It was one of your favorites, an old faded band t-shirt. It was your favorite band, one that your dad had gotten you hooked on. You bit your lip, hesitant about using the bathroom to change, but you didn't want to undress in front of Dean.

He was still standing at the door, but his eyes were glued to your every movement, his arms crossed as he lazed against it. "Dean, I know this is stupid, but do you think you could turn around?" You blushed.

Without a word, he turned facing the door. Slipping his t-shirt and boxers off, you slid your jeans up your legs, before sliding your bra into place. As you grabbed your shirt, you felt a presence behind you, someone breathing on your neck. "I thought I told you to turn around. Why didn't you stay by the door?" You asked Dean.

"I'm still by the freaking door." Dean said, causing goosebumps to rise along your skin. If Dean was still at the door, than who was standing behind you?

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